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Category Archives: Physics
Edward Kuberski – Subquantum kinetics notes page 2
Edward Kuberski – Subquantum kinetics notes page 1
New Imaging of the Active Core of Galaxy M87 Invalidates Black Hole Theory
Recently, on July 1 of 2022, a Japanese consortium lead by Makoto Miyoshi, et al. published a paper in the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ 933: 36 (42pp) presented a reconstruction of by adding in new data from other submillimeter antennae array operating at 230 GHz. The image they obtained an image shows instead an unresolved spherical core and knot ejection; see below. The conclusion is that the EHT image was seriously flawed because they did not include sufficient telescope data in their analysis. More
James Webb Space Telescope Disproves Big Bang Theory
The James Webb Space Telescope has recently imaged the most distant galaxy yet discovered, CEERS-93316, at a redshift of z = 16.7. The standard ΛCDM big bang cosmology (Ho = 69.6, ΩΜ = 0.286, and ΩΛ =0.714), which predicts that the universe began 13.72 billion years ago, maintains that light from this z = 16.7 galaxy was emitted around 233 million years after the time of the supposed big bang. More
Electrogravitics and its Application to Gravity Control
Zoom Lecture Given to the HGS Astronomical Society of London
on July 26, 2021
Title: The Discovery of Electrogravitics and its Application to Gravity Control More
Inventor Kim Zorzi Successfully Reverse Engineers the Schauberger Implosion Vortex Turbine
For the past 10 years or so researcher Kim Zorzi has been working at reverse engineering Viktor Schauberger’s implosion vortex free energy turbine. Hitler had usurped Schauberger’s technology to power UFOs that he then had under top secret development. At the end of WWII much of Schauberger’s technology became lost or suppressed. Now after all these years Kim has been able to piece it together and after many trails and errors has now become the first to produce a successfully operating Schauberger air turbine. More
EHT image of M87 is not proof of a black hole
When the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration said they would release their first image of Sgr A* on April 15th, instead, close to this date, they announced an image of M87 that was a rework of an image published two years earlier. Still to this date, they have not released an image of Sgr A*. The core of M87 is 1550 times more massive than the core of our galaxy, hence would be 1550 times more distorted due to gravitational warping. More
Event Horizon Telescope to Make Big Announcement April 10, 2019
The Event Horizon Telescope array was built to give us our best view of the Galactic core. On Wednesday the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration will announce their first findings on what the Galactic core looks like. I believe that what they see with the telescope will be very different from what they expect based on black hole theory. Below I will restate some of the predictions of what to expect based on subquantum kinetics. More
Nikola Tesla’s Quotes Support Subquantum Kinetics
If Nikola Tesla were alive today, he would be an ardent fan of subquantum kinetics. Here are some statements he had made over 80 years ago in which anticipated many aspects of subquantum kinetics. More
Krakatoa eruption exhibits the power of genic energy
Posted by: Paul LaViolette December 29, 2018 About 70% of the Earth’s internal heat flux is estimated to come from genic energy and the 30% is left to come from radioactive decay in the crust. The recent Krakatoa eruption is an example of the power of genic energy. Fountain of … More
A method for slowing the flow of time
The following describes an experiment which I believe has successfully slowed down the flow rate of time in the laboratory. I know that many will find this unbelievable. Here I report some preliminary results, as research is still ongoing. More