Update: April 10, 2019, April 15, 2019
by P. LaViolette
The day of the announcement has arrived and there has been no announcement showing the image of the Galactic core taken with the EHT. All they have released is an image of the active core of M87, a galaxy 55 million light years away. At this distance there is little they can make out about what is happening in the galaxy’s core. This raises the question: Why have they not released the image of Sgr A*? Apparently they are still studying the data.
The posting below gives my prediction with a revised redshift value.
Posted: April 6, 2019
by P. LaViolette
The Event Horizon Telescope array was built to give us our best view of the Galactic core. On Wednesday the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration will announce their first findings on what the Galactic core looks like. I believe that what they see with the telescope will be very different from what they expect based on black hole theory. Below I will restate some of the predictions of what to expect based on subquantum kinetics.
Depending on the resolution of the telescope, I believe the following things will be seen:
1) Cosmic rays and gas will be seen coming directly towards us. In reality, this outflow would be isotropic, but we would only see the part coming towards us at relativistic speeds. I first commented on this at the 2000 AAS meeting in Atlanta: https://starburstfound.org/findings-validate-radial-model-galactic-center-cosmic-ray-propagation/.
2) The region inside the “event horizon” will be luminous since photons and cosmic rays will be escaping, although photons will be gravitationally redshifted to about z ~ 0.8. This is revised upward from the value z = 0.45 which I had estimated in 2012 in my book Subquantum Kinetics. The new value is based on the redshift observation reported for the star S2 which lies 1400 Schwarzschild radii from the Galactic core and extrapolated to a distance of 0.1 AU from the core. Although some years ago Hawking had changed his position to claim that light could escape from a black hole, I was the first to make this claim back in 1985. The most thorough description of the subquntum kinetics prediction about our Galactic core may be found in Subquantum Kinetics.
3) The diameter of this luminous region inside the event horizon will be found to be smaller than the event horizon, thereby proving that the Galactic core is not a black hole. A posting to this effect can be found here: https://etheric.com/sgr-a-luminous-ejecting-gas-subquantum-kinetics/. According to subquantum kinetics, the Galactic core is a supermassive electron nondegenerate star having a radius less than 0.3 AU, Doerman’s (2008) size estimate, and greater than 0.02 AU, the distance where the radio emission would become self-absorbed. A radius of about 0.1 AU was estimated, which is three times smaller than less than Doeleman’s estimate and four times smaller than the gravitationally lensed Schwarzschild radius (0.42 AU). With this size, its average mass density would be about 600 g/cm3.
4) There will be gravitational curvature of photon trajectories, but this will not be due to the curvature of space. I prefer an alternative to general relativity called subquantum kinetics in which space is Euclidean and where instead gravity potential refracts light waves.
Here are other links contesting black hole theory: https://etheric.com/the-nonexistence-of-black-holes/.
Hi Dr LaViolette,
I sent this to you in an email, did you get it?
Our recent observations of the Galactic center have
captured Sgr A* in an unprecedented bright state in the
near-infrared. Even more so, three of the four nights
show Sgr A* in a clearly elevated state. The brightest
flux levels observed in 2019 are over twice the peak flux
value ever observed in the near-infrared from Keck and
VLT. The distributions of flux variations from the four
nights are also very unusual compared to the histori-
cal data, showing significant deviations from the model
which was previously able to describe all historical Keck,
VLT, & Spitzer measurements (Witzel et al. 2018; Chen
et al. submitted).
The 2019 measurements push the limits of the cur-
rent statistical models. These models may need to be
revised to gain a better understanding of the probabil-
ity of observing very high flux levels. In addition, the
statistical models for Sgr A* variability should be ex-
panded to provide more robust tests for changes to the
Sgr A* accretion properties over time.
The major question is whether Sgr A* is showing in-
creased levels of activity, and if so, how long it will last.
Additional data, preferably multi-wavelength observa-
tions, throughout 2019 and beyond will be necessary to
study the nature of its current variability.
This is not by itself anything to worry about. Only to worry if it leads to something bigger, much much bigger.
Thank you Dr Laviolette. I’ll do may best to help get word out. Your work will get front and center of the stage. I do see a good many waking up to things. The moment I found your book Earth Under Fire. I knew what had to do. I had to know this theory of everything. All I really know, is how greatly Our GOD is misunderstood. I applause you Sir. As well as your Acolytes and fans around the globe. You have inspired, and changed many minds for the better. If I didn’t know any better, i certainly would not be here. I dare to dream, for more given time, to grab tools, and go dig for answers. I figured if I can’t dig for stuff with real experts. I’d dig to learn, and read read read. I think I found something amazing. I think a comet did finish off the Pleistocene. I think I found evidence laying directly on top of the last great global conflagration charcoal layer. Uselo? layer spelling? I think I found Micro crystals. I’m in a region the icecap did not cover in miles of ice, and was sporadically affected by glacial floodwaves. 1,800+ ft in New York’s Southwestern/central tier. I believe these are found in Michigan as well? Might link to the recently discovered comet crater in Greenland, circa 13000 ybp? As well as the trajectory of this comet? From the north east to south east? Artifacts from 16k-9k ybp still elude me. I’m thinking central PA south is where the Clovis people stopped their northern migrations due to weather chaos in certain proximities to the ice cap itself? My grandfather told me about places where he grew up in south central PA. My plans are to go metal detect, and dig there. With permission of course. Who knows. I might stay there. Thanks for being a maverick in the ether. 🙂
That’s interesting- so the black hole picture was released, but the picture of our galaxy’s core still hasn’t been made public? Has it been released in the month since?
So far it has not been released. I spoke with one of their scientists. They are having trouble making the image due to unexpected flaring.
Just was speaking of your SQK model last night with an interested fellow. Love that it is carrying on and outward still. Thank you for the work.
Thank you Jon
Dailymail.co.uk reports NASA Chandra reveals jet from “black hole” Again Dr Paul LaViolette made a correct prediction. Very Impressive