Additional information about the galactic superwave phenomenon may be learned by accessing the sphinx stargate cyber portals below.
The Fermi Gamma Ray Bubbles: Evidence for the Superwave Theory
Possible Arrival of a Galactic Superwave Within the Coming Months?
GRB 110328A: First Ever Observation of a Newly Formed Quasar!
Gamma/X-ray Source GRB 110328A Still Active
Update on Gamma/X-ray Source GRB 110328A: Still Active
Is the Crab Nebula Being Energized by a Superwave?
Crab Nebula Flares Again
Viewing Coherent Gamma Synchrotron Emission from the Crab Nebula
Explaining the Ring-like Waves of X-ray Emission Around the Crab Pulsar
High Energy Emissions from the Crab Nebula do not Coincide with Pulsar
Local Interstellar Cloud and Galactic Superwave Effects on the Earth
Do AGN's Destroy Their Host Galaxies?
Spiral 0313-192: The Right Kind of Galaxy
Events Triggered by the 40,000 Year BP Superwave
Overview on LaViolette and the Superwave Theory
Blog Discussion of the Superwave Theory
Blog Discussion on Ancient Myth, Prophecy, and Superwaves