Information about the inadequacies of the black hole concept may be learned by accessing the sphinx stargate cyber portals below. Some portals will take you also to postings or papers by other researchers who advocate similar points of view.
Portal Alpha
Reasons Why Our Galaxy's Core is Not a Black Hole
Portal Beta
Proof That the Milky Way's Core is Not a Black Hole
Portal Gamma
A High Redshift Quasar in a Low Redshift Galaxy That Could Refute Black Hole Theory
Portal Delta
Supermassive Core Ejecting Massive Wind Raises Problems for Black Hole Theory
Portal Epsilon
'Einstein: Warped Minds, Bent Truths' by Bjorn Overbye
Portal Zeta
"Big Bang, Black Holes, and Common Sense" by David Pratt
Portal Eta
"Black Holes? by Aard Bol
Portal Theta
Stephen Crothers on Black Holes: Thunderbolts Media Podcast
Portal Iota
The Myth of Black Holes