Pluto found to be geologically active: Where does its heat come from?

The recent fly-by of Pluto has given scientists something to puzzle over. The images relayed back by the New Horizon spacecraft showed that its surface was devoid of craters. This indicates that either Pluto is a very young addition to our solar system or that it is geologically active and periodically resurfaces itself covering over any crater features. More

Dr. LaViolette’s interview on Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells

Paul LaViolette’s April 10, 2014 podcast interview on The Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells (Episode 40) may be heard by clicking the following link: April 10, 2014 interview. This discusses Subquantum Kinetics, Advanced Aerospace Propulsion, Galactic Superwaves and the G2 Cloud encounter with the Galactic core. More

Matt Pulver of Blue Science is interviewed about Subquantum Kinetics

Interview no longer available  Matt Pulver of Blue Science is interviewed on May 2013 about Subquantum Kinetics, Gödel’s Theorem, and Electrogravitics.  Matt is an accomplished physicist and consciousness researcher (UCLA magma cum laude in physics and mathematics).  He has assisted Dr. Paul LaViolette in constructing computational models of Subquantum Kinetics, most … More

Comparison of Subquantum Kinetics to Conventional Physics and Astronomy

The subquantum kinetics paradigm avoids many of the pitfalls of conventional physics and astronomy theories and interprets physical phenomena in a distinctively different manner. A listing of the numerous problems of the conventional paradigm and how subquantum kinetics resolves is presented below.   Comparison to Quantum Theory and Field Theory … More