Crimes Against Humanity: WHO CDC and others criminally involved in attempt to exterminate the human race
CC CA North Interview with Patrick Wood, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, 5/25/2022 More
CC CA North Interview with Patrick Wood, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, 5/25/2022 More
The latest jaw dropper about covid comes from Dr. Bryan Ardis whose research concludes that the Covid virus is essentially snake venom, especially the spike protein that is in the vacine. This is why the narrative put out by the CDC and other deep state organizations is that monocolonal antibodies have no curative effects for covid. In fact, they are snake antivenom. Dr. Ardis learned that he is number two on the assassination hit list that one pharmaceutical company has put out. He is urgently getting out this information while he is still alive. More
Everywhere small planes and helicopters are dropping out of the skies and crashing. Busses are crashing, Trains are crashing. Vacinated pilots with no copilot to back them up? Vacinated drivers ? 5G guidance interference? Take your pick. It is the new epidemic. More
Must listen to this about lawsuits being filed. More
his was passed on to me by Bill Ryan, former Project Camelot coworker and originator of Project Avalon. Bill had been contacted by a man who was an aquaintance of a very successful entrepreneur “E” who had been courted by the Cabal Free Masons and who had confided in this person their future plans for humanity. He was told the following: More
Dr. Mike Yeadon presents latest evidence that Pfizer, Moderna, and Jannsen are engaging in premeditated mass murder y lethal injection. Very convincing evidence from an expert in the field. More
Urgent report from Mike Adams who projects that 1.5 billion people (1/3 of those vaccinated may die and that another 1.5 billion who were vaccinated will need to be cared for by the ones who are still healthy. A bleak outlook of our immediate future. He notes that these numbers will progressively rise as people are being vacinnated at the rate of 30,000 per day. More
Mike Adams warns that the Omega Variant is a fabrication designed to cover the spiking increase in deaths due to the covid vacine. Apparently, all the people who reportedly succumbed to the Omega variant had been previously vacinated. He lays out the vicious cycle that the shadow government is setting up. To counter the Omega variant, the narrative is to issue booster shots and increase the number of vacinated people. This in turn leads to more vacine deaths, which is claimed to be due to the nonexistent Omega variant. Learn more from Mike Adams’ report below. More
This is another eye opening interview. Stew Peters interviews French billionaire Phillippe Argillier who knows the names of the people controlling the shadow government and has databases full of information that could convict them all. He calls on President Trump to team up with him to bring down the cabal once and for all. Rather than making the databases public as Wikileaks did, he lets the Cabal know that he is in possession of incriminating information on them which could put them in jail unless they stand down. More
From Project Veritas: Covid 19 Vacine Exposed Part I
Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t: Adverse Effects ‘Shoved’ ‘Under the Mat’. More
What UK funeral director John O’Looney has to say about his experience with covid deaths is a bombshell. I recommend that everyone watch it to the end. Based on his first hand experience, he makes the following points:
• There was no rise in death rate from covid until they started giving the vacine.
• Deaths due to the so called Delta Variant are actually deaths due to vacination; the Delta Variant is vacine injury.
• The broad agenda is population reduction.
I would like to summarize a number of things that might be useful to keep on hand in case one happened to test positive on a covid test.
hydrochloroquinine and zinc (see earlier postings). Hydrochloroquinine acts as a zinc ionophore to assist zinc to pass through the cell wall where it is effective to block viral replication. But the medical establishment has made it difficult for one to obtain a prescription. For a prescribing doctor see More