A fourteen year Lithuanian study conducted between 1990 and 2004 and published in 2007 found a correlation between cosmic ray intensity and death rate. The study abstract may be found at the following link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17998801
The study concluded:
“Monthly death number is linked to cosmic ray activity, and inversely, to solar activity.”
That there would be an inverse correlation to solar activity stands to reason because higher levels of solar activity strengthen the solar wind, expand the heliopause magnetic sheath surrounding the solar system, and consequently reduce the intensity of cosmic ray radiation reaching the Earth. So we discover two interesting things from this study. First, even the small variations of the galactic cosmic ray background that we currently experience have an effect on death rate. Second, this galactic cosmic ray effect overpowers any effect that might be due to the increase in solar cosmic rays and UV radiation that would be affecting us during solar activity maxima.
This opposing battle between the Sun and cosmic ray radiation is illustrated in an ancient Egyptian story about Horus who was bit by the sting of a scorpion. Horus who brought light back to the world represents the Sun (positive aspect) and the scorpion represents the stinging cosmic rays from Scorpius — the Galactic center (negative aspect). The interpretation of this myth is given in the book Earth Under Fire.
The Lithuanian study finding has significant implications for understanding the risk of a future galactic superwave event. The current variation of the cosmic ray background due to solar cycle modulation of the heliopause magnetic sheath amounts to about 30% at most. During a superwave of the Magnitude 4 variety that struck during the last ice age, the cosmic ray electron intensity could rise 300 fold above the current background intensity, hence would involve a variation 1000 fold greater than what we currently experience. Even a lesser magnitude superwave event of the more common variety could involve a cosmic ray variation 100 times greater than we currently experience. Also knowing from studies of the onset of core explosions in other Galaxies, the radiation intensity at the forefront of the superwave can be 30 fold greater during the first three days. So even these lesser events could induce death rate effects 30,000 times greater than those we currently experience from cosmic ray background variations.
Men should be more concerned about this because the study found that the cosmic-ray-death-number correlation was stronger in men than in women.
The study was published in Medicina (Kaunas) 2007 43(10):824-831.
Given this correlation, it is now wonder that another study found that ESP ability declines as the Galactic center approaches near to the zenith. At that time, high energy cosmic rays arriving from the Galactic core would have their greatest penetration to the Earth’s surface. See posting at: https://www.starburstfound.org/superwave/Galactic5.html.
If further evidence is needed of these “Beyond Ancient” Events, one can read the record of other such things here.
Ooparts: “Smithsonian, We Have a Problem!”
Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie
Perhaps the above article explains more about our Origins, that a Super Wave event might have precipitated , than most of us would care to admit. It does give credence to unusual catastrophic events beyond imagination that might have come from the Galactic Center as you envision Dr. LaViolette.
I find the article presenting interesting evidence that perhaps Earth has undergone far more Super wave events than one might imagine, for nothing but a MA JOR Super Wave could cause the turmoil Earth must have undergone, to bury such artifacts in hundreds of millions of years old strata.
Given WHAT correlation? What causes the deaths? Was this weighed against Lithuanian death rates or death rates the whole planet over? Was it controlled for the angle of the planet and the primary angle of impact of the cosmic rays which would obviously not be uniformly intense across the entire globe?
This article reeks of bias in the form of oversimplification for the purposes of making the data fit a desired outcome.
I don’t think we can discount the study without first reading the article. The fact that it was published in a refereed journal would suggest that it has passed peer scrutiny. Just how significant is the correlation is not known just from reading the article abstract.
Very interesting Dr. LaViolette, thank you.