Posted: 3/30/2019
by P. LaViolette
In the February 2012 issue of the Astrophysical Journal, astronomers claimed that they had found evidence of a black hole that was stripped off from a small galaxy by spiral galaxy ESO 243-49; see news article below:
Unfortunately, their explanation is totally incorrect, and just the reverse from what actually is taking place. Really, all the authors can be credited for is discovering an active 20,000 solar mass galactic core in the halo of the galaxy. The location of the core is marked by the circle. The correct explanation, according to subquantum kinetics, is that this object is a 20,000 solar mass Mother star that was ejected from the center of ESO 243-49. This confirms reports by astronomer Halton Arp, that supermassive galactic cores periodically fission and eject a core fragment which takes up its place in the galaxy’s halo. These core fragments are usually ejected at a steep angle to the plane of the galaxy, which explains why we see the core slightly above the plane. This supports the continuous creation theory of subquantum kinetics which maintains that supermassive galactic cores are continually growing and periodically fission. Continuous creation does not violate the First Law (energy conservation) because according to subquantum kinetics, the universe functions as an open system.
I found this really interesting, Paul. In spite of all the Interviews and papers I have read of your’s (including the two books I’m on- E.U.F, and now Genesis), I have never heard of you mentioning the above phenomena before. Is that, or Has that happened in OUR Galaxy ? I’d say it would be known about or heard say of, by now, right ? That’s if it had happened..
If I remember correctly, I had discussed earlier the finding that a blue supergiant was ejected from our core at a steep angle to the galactic equator. You might check postings at the superwave blog.
My thanks, Paul, for your response- it means quite a lot. And I am going to look there..
And if you wouldn’t mind, is that to say that this is how Blue Giants come into being ? The answer to that too may be in that reference so there I will look- hey keep up the good work, Paul-
Hey I will see if I can find it there. Thanks for replying- it means quite a lot.. And no offence I hope Paul! Keep up the good work!