G2 Cloud Update Interview on Camelot Livestream on Tuesday March 4th


   Paul LaViolette was interviewed by Kerry Cassidy on Camelot Live Stream TV on Tuesday March 4, 2014 at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time.  He discussed the latest on the G2 cloud and also talked about galactic superwaves.  You can view this interview below:

March 4, 2014 Interview with Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot Interview Portal

     Swift X-ray Telescope data as of March 2, 2014 is displayed below.  The X-ray emission from the active magnetar that lies close to the Galactic center still masks the Galactic core emission, emitting X-rays at a level that exceeds the Galactic core emission by three fold.  Presumably the core is still quiescent at the level it exhibited early in 2013 (left side of diagram).


Swift X-ray intensity record up until Monday, March 3, 2014.

24 Responses to G2 Cloud Update Interview on Camelot Livestream on Tuesday March 4th

  1. Raven says:

    Thank you so much Paul for the Amazing work. any updates on the galactic super wave? looking forward.

  2. Harriette Stormfeltz says:

    Very good information

  3. David says:

    Thank you Dr. LaViolette. If these So Stars are just going to disolve into a cloud of dust as they reach their Eddington limit, I suppose we cannot expect the GC to do anything spectacular as these stars disolve. The forces at work at the GC are mind boggling. Just trying to imagine what our star is capable of, is enough to make one feel like a Deer in the headlights. Thank you again, and it woul be my hope SO-2 does not develope a cloud, and does not interupt the anticipated Black theory testing in 2018, then maybe they will put the Black Hole theory to rest.


    Again thank you for your reply.

  4. David says:

    Thank Dr. LaViolette. I cannot imagine the forces at work at the GC. I suppose the Scientist’s waiting to test the new array and evaluate Einstien’s Gravity Theory will be more than disappointed if SO-2 is obscured by a cloud in 2018.
    But I don’t suppose such a disappointment will get the Black hole theory out of their calculations or expectations.

    “Next year, the Event Horizon Telescope, an array of radio telescopes that has already examined Sagittarius A*, will gain enough acuity to discern the light that just misses being dragged into Sagittarius A* but is bent by the black hole’s gravity into a halo that frames it. (That is so acute that the array could make out an orange on the surface of the moon, said the project’s leader, Sheperd Doeleman, an astronomer at the M.I.T. Haystack Observatory and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.)
    Deviations from the predicted shape of the halo would indicate that Einstein’s theory of gravity needs revision. And in 2018, a bright star called S0-2 will further test the theory by coming considerably closer to Sagittarius A* than the gas cloud does at its closest approach. The star’s orbit and light will reveal whether Einstein’s equations correctly describe gravity near a supermassive black hole. ”


  5. David says:

    Dr. LaViolette, you say the SO-2 and the SO-102 are benign now, as they have been presumably “Stripped of planets and companion stars”, if they ever had any. What would happen if if the accumulation Tidal Thermal Energy of either of these stars exceeded their Thermal Binding Energy?

    They believe that even if only 1% of the Thermal energy is stored by a star at each pericenter, significant thermal energy of the binding power of the star will be stored after 1,000,000 passes. This of course is calculated by the cooling period between pericenter heating and the mass of the star.

    There was a paper put just examing the Tidal Thermal Energy effects on Stars with short orbits periods and the accumulation of such energy, to the point they heat to exceed their thermal binding Energy.


    If such an event were to occur, would the star go super nova, or just collapse and be absorbed by the GC?

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      This may be underestimating the amount of energy stored in the star during pericenter passage. If they were to take account of the rise in genic energy production occurring within the star during its close passage of the core, as well as the heating of the star’s atmosphere by the impacting cosmic ray flux from the core, their energy input calculations would need to be increased by at least an order of magnitude. So a star would reach such a point of perhaps exceeding its Eddington limit much sooner than they say, perhaps after less than 100,000 passes. I don’t see the star necessarily going supernova, just creating a cloud similar to G2. In fact, as one of these S0 stars comes in towards the core about 4 years from now, I would not be surprised that astronomers would see it begin generating a cloud when it reaches closer than about 1000 AU.

  6. Charlie says:

    The posting made on 12/15/2009 links to an image that is updated every 5 minutes. The image is still updating correctly. Here is the link again if you would like to repost:


    It is common for neutron monitoring stations to be taken offline due to equipment malfunctions. It looks like the station in Israel (ESOI-TAU) has been taken offline as of 3/10/2014 @ 01:00 GMT.

    For reference here is a link to the data correction procedures.


    We don’t know if the spike from the KERG station on 3/9/2014 at 15:45 GMT was removed due to equipment malfunction or some other “anomaly”.

  7. Mary says:

    Dr, Paul and Charlie, I noticed this morning the aqua line at the bottom of the chart at the link provided above is no longer automatically updating even after refreshing the page since the spike I noticed yesterday. What does this line indicate and why has it stopped showing ongoing data? Please reply, Thank you.

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      I have removed the posting of the link to that cosmic ray neutron monitoring site. The data with the spike that was shown there was posted back in 2009. Apparently they have not been posting realtime data on their site. So for the time being there is nothing to worry about.

  8. Margarita Gonzalez says:

    Thanks for your great work. Gems like you are rare to find.


  9. David says:

    Thank you for the reply Dr. LaViolette concerning the So-2 and SO-102. I cannot help wondering if one or both of these stars had, and lost their companions resulting in the Superwaves we have already experienced. So-2 will have made 1,437 Orbits around the Galactic Core in the time it takes the evidence (Light) to have arrived here, and SO-102 will have made 2,090 such Orbits. One has to wonder how much stress these orbits put on these 2 stars, and how much they can take. If the G2 Cloud has a star or a Binary star, will it become a 3rd player of the “Pinball game”? All sorts of questions arise, will any of these stars eventually collide, or come close enough to each other to effect each others orbits and drive one or both of themselves into the GC?

    Of course, they both could be gone now, and it will take thousands of years for us to know. We only know they were there 23,000 years ago, along with the G2 Cloud.

    If Aliens are warning us, I hope they have a suggestion as to what Galaxcy one might migrate to, so one would not to have wonder if a Superwave is in the offing. Otherwise, I do not hold much hope for advanced civilisations anywhere, unless such a Civilisation is/was prepared to live underground for 100’s if not 1,000’s of years. Calhouns Rodent experiments come to mind, when contemplating such a civilisation, or in making the journey to another Galaxcy with todays technology, if it were possible. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Escaping+the+Laboratory%3a+the+rodent+experiments+of+John+B.+Calhoun+%26…-a0197666893

    What ever happens, thank you again for your information. If we have an event and we survive it, I can only hope the old saying is true: That which does not kill you builds your character”. May we build enough chacter that we might find, that we can quit this difficult road we seem to be on, or as Mr. Massey said: They must find it difficult… Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather truth as authority. Gerald Massey May 29, 1828 – October 29, 1907

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      The last minor superwave was about 700 years ago. So this corresponds to about 61 orbits of S0-102 or about 44 orbits of S0-2. If we skip 11 small events and go further back to the 5300 year BP event, then there have been 460 and 330 orbits respectively. Yes, one does wonder how many orbits such “close encounter” stars could take. I don’t think it is necessary to consider migration to another Galaxy in the event of a strong superwave. First of all, it would not be necessary. All that is needed is to go to a different star system in our own Galaxy that is at a location where the superwave has already passed by. Second I am not aware of any technologies that would make galaxy-to-galaxy space travel feasible, unless the occupants were put into some sort of cryostate. Even our closest large galaxy, Andromeda, is 2 million light years away. But one would want to avoid large spiral galaxies since their cores also produce superwaves. One would best choose a dwarf spheroidal galaxy which has an infant supermassive mother star at its center of no more than 1000 to 10,000 solar masses. Such galaxies would be more quiescent and there are some such galaxies much closer to the Milky Way than the Andromeda galaxy. At this point it is too early to get this anxious about the G2 star/cloud encounter. Too many unknowns.

  10. David says:

    Thank you for your time and efforts in sharing your understanding of what current events are occuring Dr. LaViolette.
    I found your explanation of the source of the G2 cloud as originating from a body within the Cloud completely intuitive, and cannot imagine why this isn’t being addressed by the scientific community.
    Apparently your “Pinball Game” has other players, The S0-2 Star is reportedly coming “considerably” closer to the Galatic Core in 2018 than the G2 Cloud according to the following article: “in 2018, a bright star called S0-2 will further test the theory by coming considerably closer to Sagittarius A* than the gas cloud does at its closest approach.”


    The So-2 Star Orbits the Galactice core every 16 years, evidently on a variable orbit, and apparently comes close to the Galactic Core twice during that 16 years.

    The recent discovery ofthe star SO-102(2012), which aparently has an Orbit of about 11 years, comes even closer Galactic Core, and also has a variable Orbit, and also would apparently pass close to the Galactic Core twice within that 11 years.
    Do You have any thoughts on clouds being formed by either of these Stars in their passage close to the Galactic Core, and possible increases in Galactic Core emissions during these passages, and if you think it is possible one of these two stars might turn into a Super Nova or collide with the Galactic core at some point in time during their close Orbits with the Galactic Core?
    Thank You again for your updates and the sensible interptretations of the events unfolding, and my best wishes.

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      Both of these are referred to as stars which means they are not embedded within a gas cloud. Or if they are expelling gas, it is at such a low rate that it does not build up to a very high concentration immediately around them. Possibly when they come closer in to the GC and their energy output begins to rise many fold, they may be found to begin expelling a small amount of gas. We know that the S0-2 star is a spectral type B1 V, which means it is a main sequence star. The S0-102 star spectrum is not specified anywhere to my knowledge. My guess is that these stars have been around for many dozens of orbits. So if they had any stellar companions or planets, those would have been stripped off long ago. They are now benign as far as having the ability to trigger a core outburst. The G2 cloud, on the other hand, likely is making its first pass and therefore could harbor a stellar binary or planets, which makes it a dangerous visitor.

  11. Marina says:

    Thank You.

  12. David Alexander says:

    Could the superwave that caused the Pleistocene mass extinction have had such a large impact at least partly because of the sun having entered the local fluff within the last 40000 years? It seems like there could be effects related to a greater concentration of dust accumulating around the heliosphere before each time it is pushed in by a superwave, but based on what you have said it seem like these effects would take a long time to become severe. However, it seems like there could also be more rapid effects related to variations in magnetism within the local fluff and within embedded clouds such as the G-cloud and at cloud boundaries. Could magnetism within the local fluff have made the impact of the superwave that caused the Pleistocene mass extinction more severe by concentrating the related energy?

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      No, the 12,887 b2k mass extinction event was due to one or more super solar proton events. There is evidence to prove this. Read my posted Radiocarbon paper to learn more. The aggravation of the Sun to bring this about had to do with entry of interstellar and cometary dust into the solar system, pushed in by superwaves. Variations in magnetism in the fluff had little to do with it. For more about this read my book: Earth Under Fire!

  13. Charlie says:

    Hi Paul,

    Another site to check for cosmic rays is the Neutron Monitor Database. The “KERG” neutron monitor station has a good view of Sagittarrius A* at -49N and 70E. This page shows retail counts, just check the “KERG” check box:


    • Paul LaViolette says:

      Thank you for the link Charlie. Maybe I will create a webpage to post such links in case people would like to periodically check the readings.

  14. Katarina says:

    Dear Dr. L…your concern for humanity as evidenced in your continual sharing of your work is rare amongst tier I scientists. Also, your balanced/measured approach is refreshing in light of the alt media fear porn. So thank you, Dr. L, for this latest interview…you are a rare gem and greatly appreciated!

  15. Mary says:

    Excellent Interview! Truly A MUST SEE. Very important updates for all… with clear explanations and much new information. Many thanks go to Project Camelot and Kerry Cassidy. Dr. Paul has worked tirelessly to bring us this interview within hours and we owe this true humanitarian our heart felt gratitude.

  16. Julie Kramer says:

    Hi Paul, will this interview be available online following the live stream? Not sure I can make live interview, but am VERY interested in your updates and information! 🙂 Thank you!

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