Posted by: P. LaViolette
October 29, 2021
Joan Cerio interviews Paul LaViolette on her show Envisioning a New Earth. The topic of discussion is the galactic superwave theory. Dr. LaViolette begins with a discussion of the significance of Halloween, which is said to be in rememberance of the many lives that were lost in catastrophes occurring in ancient times.
Unfortunately Paul it seems you mist00k my meaning. A misunderstanding is all, mate
This link you provided is for gravity wave “tsunamis” that they claim travel through the Galaxy. They theorize stellar collisions. As you suggest, they probably should have done their research and suggested that GC outbursts could also generate such waves as expected would accompany superwaves. However, such ripples are far too small to be immediately associated with a superwave.
What I really was trying t0 say Paul is that it is almost as if (in my view that they seem t0 be warping their current ideas in a way t0 amalgamate yur ideas, in with theirs, but with their 0wn distorted twist.. kinda reminds me 0f theories I used t0 get as a child, but that never really held up t0 reality, although they had a superficial similarity.. Anyway. gd t see you get back t my pst n that..
Do subquantum kinetics have any implications for quantum computers?
The phenomenon of how quantum entanglement occurs is explained in the latest edition of Subquantum Kinetics. Quantum computers supposedly use quantum entanglement to link themselves, but I know little of how this is done.
And, I mean to say, it is interesting to read how many similarities there are immersed in their theory, to your own. Almost, it seems, as if they’re trying to circuitously come round to saying the same thing as you already have, y’know? Well, you have a read for yourself and you might see it the same way.. Ciao then!
That’s the way the crooked academic system works.
Have you looked at what they say already Paul ? : ” ” Is it it a mutated hybrid vers’ of your theory you think??! Wth, mate..
The superwave theory has been confirmed over the past few years by several discoveries of such phenomena happening in other active galaxies. As usual, my prior publications and work on this subject is not cited. I do, however, include mention of this confirmation in the updated fifth edition of Subquantum Kinetics which hopefully will be available next year.