Posted by: P. LaViolette
May 20, 2019
The following is a terrestrial chronology charting the arrival of Galactic superwaves, cosmic dust incursions, extreme solar events, and glacier wave flood events during the past 67,000 years. It is divided in two parts, 67 kyrs BP to 19 kyrs BP and 19 kyrs BP to the present. All dates have been converted to the Cariaco Basin radiocarbon dated varve chronology published by Hughen (2006). References given in column 3 of the tables are given below. Generally, the sequence of solar cosmic events that I hypothesized has shaped the history of our planet go as follows:
Galactic superwave arrival — cosmic dust incursion — solar activation — extreme solar flares — glacier wave floods — extinction
The main graphs that have been relied on to construct this chronology are also given below. Other information is given in the cited references. For table II also consult the posting at:
Table I. Event Chronology from 67,000 Calendar Years BP to 19,000 Calendar Years BP
Table II. Event Chronology from 19,000 Calendar Years BP to 5,300 Calendar Years BP
Relevant graphs:
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P. A. LaViolette, Earth Under Fire. Bear & Co., Rochester, VT, 2005a.
P. A. LaViolette, “Solar cycle variations in ice acidity at the end of the last ice age: Possible marker of a climatically significant interstellar dust Incursion.” Planetary and Space Science 53 (2005b): 385 – 393.
P. A. LaViolette, “Evidence for a global warming at the Termination I boundary and its possible cosmic dust cause.” 2005c, update 2007, unpublished.
P. A. LaViolette, “Evidence for a solar flare cause of the Pleistocene mass extinction.” Radiocarbon 53 (2011): 303-323.
P. A. LaViolette, “The Bosnian Pyramid Complex: Signs of Technically Advanced Ice Age Civilization.”Nexus magazine Dec./Jan. 2014-2015 & Feb/March 2015.
P. A. LaViolette, “The episodic influx of tin-rich cosmic dust particles during the last ice age.” Advances in Space Research 56 (2015): 2402-2427.
P. A. LaViolette, Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and Climatic Change. Ph.D. dissertation, Portland State University. Updated 2015.
P. A. LaViolette “The Great Sphinx – Monument to humanity’s survival of the ice age.” (July 2016) website posting.
P. A. LaViolette, “The generation of mega glacial meltwater floods and their geologic impact.” Hydrology Current Research 8 (2017).
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You made me see it till the end
If Card 21, The World, could represent the four fixed signs around the plane of the ecliptic, is it reading too much into it that the direction of the “wind” blowing the figure’s sash in the middle of the card is somewhat in the direction of right to left, from Scorpio to Taurus?
I don’t know, had not noticed it before. But every Tarot card designer depicts these cards differently. The Marseilles Tarot is probably the earliest and less modified.
Was that what you wrote your book Earth Under Fire that early civilisation people had to resort to underground dwelling for survival, and that someone would periodically hold a stick out to test outside conditions to see if it would catch fire, as I remember it. That was five or six years ago now I read it but as soon as I read Genesis, I will go reasd it again now that I know that was number 2 in the Trilogy.. Thanks for that !
There were multiple conflagration events in our past history which that myth could have referred to which I relate in my book.
right, ok Paul. There must of been something I misunderstood in Earth Under Fire- I will have to be more careful when I read that book again! !
Keep up th good work, Dr Paul, and Ciao!
Good to see a new News post, Paul- I been hanging for more info from you.. and pardon me if this is a stupid question- but is the world wide deposition of black carbon a product of a great conflagration > thanks in advance, mate!
Yes, it seems to be.