Secret Mars Space Program?

Posted by: P. LaViolette
December 20, 2020

The documentary Alternative 3, aired on BBC in June 1977, may have been a serious reportage that struck a sensitive nerve.  It was never again shown in the UK and was banned in the U.S.  But in the context of many disclosures now circulating over 50 years later, the mystery of what is happening on Mars deepens.  Scientists claim Mars’ surface atmospheric pressure is about 1 percent of Earth’s.  But a tape of a video apparently taken at low altitudes above the martian surface by a robotic craft sent to Mars in 1962 by a secret joint U.S.-Russian team shows the atmospheric pressure at 707 mB, which is equivalent to 0.7 Earth atmospheres, 70 times greater than the value taught by university professors.  This is equivalent to the pressure at an altitude of about 9500 feet, an altitude a few hundred meters higher than Taos, New Mexico.  It is certainly habitable.  The blue sky shown in the video suggests Mars has a substantial oxygen content.  The book alternative three claimed it was far higher than what scientists openly claim.

This Gaia documentary linked below explores the possibility that the Alternative 3 scenario may be a reality. It interviews several whistleblowers who claim to have unwillingly participated in this off planet program.  Although some parts of this story stretches one’s imagination to the limits of credibility.  Keep in mind that Gaia requires a fee to view the video.



One Response to Secret Mars Space Program?

  1. Adrian Ellis says:

    I’ve always found it intriguing that so many non-NASA missions to Mars’s surface have failed. It’s as if NASA did a deal with the Martians that only their probes could land there! :-/ I’ll put together an article on my .uk website at some point to explore that issue in more detail.

    The Gaia programmes requires paid membership, as far as I can tell. It might be worth mentioning that in the post.

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