Swift X-ray Observations of the Galactic Center as of February 6th, 2015
Swift is finally back online after a lapse of almost 3 months. For what reason? They do not say. Things still look quiescent at the Galactic center as of February 6th. The G2 cloud has long passed its pericenter andthere have been no signs of enhanced activity other than the brief spike around September 10th. As I had predicted last year, no activity should be expected from the Galactic core due to the expected infall of gas and dust stripped off from the G2 cloud because the cosmic ray wind from the Galactic core is so strong that such gas and dust would be blown away from the core. The only activity expected would be from bodies such as comets or planets tidally stripped off and slowing down sufficiently to fall into the core. So far such infall events have not been observed. This X-ray chart will be updated on an approximately monthly basis, unless there is an activity alert.
At this point the general consensus of astronomers is that the G2 cloud contains one star. As stated before, the unanswered question is whether if the G2 cloud contains a star with a planetary system and if the Galactic core is able to tug comets or planets away from the parent star, whether hydrodrag effects of the core’s ion and cosmic ray wind will be sufficient to cause such bodies to spiral into the core and trigger energetic activity. This possibility has been explored in the May 19th posting. Currently, there is little chance that the G2 cloud system will trigger a superwave outburst.
Keep in mind that we should always be prepared for the occurrence of any unexpected space weather event.
Hi Dr LaViolette, thanks for being aware! So now that the G2 cloud has passed pericenter,does that change any statistics in terms of the core pulling something out. Or are we in the same boat?
There have been no reports of a split in the G2 cloud, but still it is possible that a planetary or brown dwarf companion could have been stripped off the primary star within G2 and that this separating component is not evident because it is not generating a second cloud. I have revised my calculations to take into account that the primary star is estimated to be traveling at around 6300 kilometers per second as it rounds the core at epicenter. If we assume that G2 is 200 AU from the core at epicenter and figuring the gravitational pull of the core at this distance (0.07 g), it will take some time for this pull to counter the companion’s orbital momentum and redirect it inward. A rough estimate predicts that it will take about 4.5 months from its separation from the primary star when G2 is at epicenter. So counting from April 1st, this implies that the companion could plunge toward the core and possibly impact the core around mid August, 2014. Previously, I had incorrectly figured 2 – 3 weeks for the infall time, an estimate that failed to take into account G2’s high tangential velocity as it circles the core. So for at least the next 3 months it is likely that not much will be happening in terms of emissions from the core. Thereafter we should be alert.
Since yesterday sharp rashes are to be seen within the “Cosmic Rays Now” suddenly in a regularity not like before yet. Has that to signify something? http://www.nmdb.eu/?q=node/335 Thank you and best wishes
This is nothing important, only a detector gone haywire. You need to worry only if all the detectors rocket upwards in unison.
Thank you for the answer, Dr. LaViolette! Petra
Thank you Dr. LaViolette,i understand you absolutly, thanks for posting my request. And Joe, thanks for your support, I feel better. When both of you come here, you are welcome at home.
Dr. Paul LaViolette. Excuse me for asking you the following, but I have no one that I could trust. -would it be dangerous if I refill the stationary tank of gas (Lp -butano and propane fuel)? -would it be necessary to cover the windows and with what? -if I buy an electric generator to pump the water, the wave will not damage the cables and the switch? I am living with my daughter and her children in Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico, close to the Popocatepetl (is rather calm), and my house is in Amatlan de Quetzalcoatl ( a small town in the mountains, close to Yautepec. -I think it would be better to go to Amatlan when the earth shakes? What do you think? Thank you for eveything.
Sorry, I cannot take time to advise people on a person by person basis on matters of survival. Form your own support group. Besides we don’t have definite evidence yet that a superwave will imminently arrive, only probabilities and prophecies. Though, it is good to be prepared.
Patricia, I am preparing as if there will be no electricity following the wave, so even a generator is almost pointless except for a few days. I don’t believe that a “temporary’ shutdown of electricity is possible. I am preparing with food and water, shelter of mi casa, windows will have to suffice. As for the quakes, one place is as safe as another. Unless Popo or Itzi explode. I have been in your area and it is beautiful! saludos, joe
Patricia, you can e mail me at chuyndz@yahoo.com. I have some information that you will find helpful. Trabajada en Mexico para Mabe, many years. Saludos, Chuy
Thank you all, the reporters of earthquake/ volcano updates. Please consider posting them on the new page Dr, Paul created for this topic so that we can have a “go to archive?” Does this make sense to everyone as it does to me? The history of comments on this topic is scattered on many different pages up to this point. Much gratitude to all contributors. the link: http://etheric.com/increasing-incidence-earthquakes-sign/
http://youtu.be/RPccgGdiUvg about yellowstone
6 new Earthquakes in Yellowstone this morning.
From 4.8 on down.
Powerful earthquake strikes off Chile, triggers tsunami…
Dear Dr LaViolette, I’ve been interpreting comets as Solar messengers for a while, sometimes with eerie accuracy. Recently we had a grouping led by ISON, you may be interested in a coming arrangement that has a strong galactic component. They are C/2014 E2 Jacques, C/2012 K1 Panstarrs, C/2013 V5 Oukaimeden and C/2013 A1 Siding Spring. Pan. connects to the previous group, Jacques is the leader of the present. The fun starts in late June: Jacques is occulted by the Moon on the 27th, has perihelion on 2 July, then during July 7-13, Jacques and Ouk. meet in a tight alignment with Mercury and Venus, with Jacques then passing within 4 degrees of Crab nebula just as Venus is passing it within 22 arc minutes. Following this, Jacques speeds up exactly along the galactic plane through Auriga, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, across wing of Cygnus, ending its apparition in Aquila the Eagle. Meanwhile, Ouk. speeds along the same path that Jacques was on through Monoceros and below Hydra, retracing the path in reverse. The match is beyond coincidence. Then, October 16-22, Ouk. and Siding Spring cross the ecliptic at the same time as they align with Saturn and Mars respectively. A few days earlier Siding has passed the sting of Scorpio and is now aligned with the galactic core! By early Jan 2015, they have both cut across the two ends of the Serpent carried by Ophiuchus, ending their apparition. Dr LaViolette, I don’t like to interpret comets negatively, but the most obvious interpretation here is that of signalling a galactic outburst. Crab pulsar is shown as pointing to the core, whose superwave will travel out across the galactic plane. I will try harder to find a positive interpretation, but for now I have some questions I hope you can answer. 1) Could the outburst be of low enough intensity that there are no “fireworks”, perhaps not even detected with the instruments, but nevertheless resulting in a superwave that disrupts us? 2) Could there be more than one outburst? 3) Is the pulsar network in some way marking the path of Jacques as outlined above? 4) Much of the cometary story is told in numbers – if you could show some numbers that are significant in relation to the galactic core and its possible outburst, what would they be? Thank you and best wishes.
I found this March 22nd report.
As part of an ongoing community service observing program to follow the expected encounter of the G2 cloud with the black hole Sgr A* in 2013/2014 (https://science.nrao.edu/enews/5.10/index.shtml#g2_encounter), the NRAO Very Large Array observed the Sgr A region starting 2014 March 22 12:45 UT for two hours, cycling through the standard observing bands at their default 8-bit (i.e., up to 2 GHz bandwidth) continuum frequencies. The data from the monitoring program are publicly available through the NRAO data archive immediately after observing has completed, and the flux densities are published by NRAO staff as soon as the data are reduced. The March 22 data were reduced with a modified VLA CASA pipeline, and the flux density of Sgr A* was measured as listed below. The cumulative results of the monitoring effort are posted on the service observing web page https://science.nrao.edu/science/service-observing and so far do not indicate a significant brightening of the emission from the direction of Sgr A* over the period 2012 October to 2014 March, within the calibration uncertainties. Measurements of 2014 March 22: 1.5 GHz (0.68 Jy upper limit) 3.0 GHz 0.68 +/-10% Jy 5.5 GHz 0.78 +/-10% Jy 10.0 GHz 0.84 +/-10% Jy 14.0 GHz 0.99 +/-10% Jy 21.2 GHz 1.16 +/-10% Jy 32.0 GHz 1.39 +/-10% Jy 41.0 GHz 1.53 +/-10% Jy
GOES Xray showing 2 larger Spikes on the 29th. http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/rt_plots/Xray.gif
We don’t know that these spikes are from the Galactic core. More probably they are from the magnetar near the core.
Sunday, March 23, 2014 16:04 nearly one quarter of the northern elk herd at Yellowstone National Park are missing according to the annual winter count. While it has been said that animals often give us warnings far ahead of earth changing events, Yellowstone recently witnessed herds of bison running for their lives on the public roadways (as shown in the 2nd video below) that WERE NOT being chased or rounded up. http://beforeitsnews.com/earthquakes/2014/03/animals-leaving-yellowstone-what-do-they-know-we-dont-know-earthquakes-and-seismic-activity-2492698.html
The Yellowstone Park Buffalo always use the roads to travel. When I was there 15 years ago during a low in seismic and geothermal activity the Buffalo were running along with the other vehicles on the roads. It is impressive, some are as big as cars, and they move along at a respectable clip. Just watch out for them when you are on foot, because they will come after you; I had to wait for an hour to get back from some outlying geysers due to the “Tatanka” blocking the way.
GOES Xray showing Spike late on the 27th.
Ionosphere Tempt should spike after a gravity comes through because it will e followed by a Gamma burst.
Earthquake list: March 2014 (M>=4.6) (375 quakes)
50 earthquakes today already.
More seismic activity: Authorities declare alert orange in four provinces by eruptions of the Reventador
Amazonian volcano Reventador and their zones of influence, due to the constancy and upsurge in emissions of ash and pyroclastic by the volcano. The alert corresponds to the provinces of Napo, Sucumbios, Orellana, and even, Pichincha, where the Declaration stipulates that the provincial and cantonal emergency operations committees remain on alert. (Teleamazonas)
Dr Laviolette hi great work! A couple of questions, I live in the great valley in northern california. Could an ice age strike here in the event of a superwave? I heard a while back anything above Kansas City is in the iceage zone
ice ages take hundreds of years to onset. You will be long gone from this planet before you have to worry about that.
Dr LaViolette, thanks for the reply. I didn’t really want to deal with an iceage anyways! So my other question was, say l had an electric device in a Faraday box in the event of a superwave, would it be safe to take out the device after the first three days of the wave? Or would it be wiser to wait longer for the device to work if at all.
I don’t know what device you are referring to. But I am guessing that it should be OK as long as it is not plugged into a wall outlet, as there could be current surges in the grid if a superwave were to occur. So perhaps a Faraday cage is not necessary.
the above link refers to the BICEP2 telescope which is supposedly capable of detecting gravity waves. Could it be used as a resource for information regarding the possible gravity wave preceding the galactic center superwave?
No use doing gravity wave investigations for that. When it comes, it will come suddenly and you will know it from the seismic disturbance it will create. No way to predict its arrival.
A new paper has been published that examines the accretion of the G2 cloud into the SMBH: http://arxiv.org/abs/1403.5792. In all modeled cases including an embedded binary star, 90% of the mass of the cloud was accreted into the SMBH. It is also interesting that the latest data from swift on 3/26 shows a spike in luminosity, the second strongest of the year.
In this paper the authors do consider at the end of their paper the possibility that G2 Cloud contains a binary star system. They may have included this as a last minute modification to their paper after two of the three authors (Karas and Eckart) had received my email in January describing the plausibility of the binary star scenario. Also I had posted on etheric.com about the binary star scenario back in August 2013, a month before the authors had submitted their paper; see http://etheric.com/g2-cloud-predicted-to-approach-twice-as-close-to-gc/. However, their analysis does not touch on the important point of what the probability would be for a companion star to become accreted by the core. In regard to the recent spike in the Swift data, this is not anything spectacular. It is in the range of the present noise level and is not originating from the Galactic core. All of the X-ray variability that is currently seen is coming from the nearby magnetar which is still in the process of cooling down from its outburst of one year ago. It’s X-ray noise still is high enough to mask the X-ray emission coming from the GC.
Hi Dr. LaViolette,
I was wondering, could a galactic superwave cause intensely “red skies”? Awhile back, i was shown red skies in relation to earth changes, but i assumed it was related to a strong solar event akin to the Carrington event. But i’ve been wondering of late, if a superwave could also cause something like this?
Also, just want to mention that i’ve been receiving info or reminders (via various ways, dreams, intuitive feelings, meditation waking dreams or audio like messages, etc) about the earth changes for a couple of decades, but it’s only been quite recent that the messages that my wife and i have received have changed in nature and tone (and frequency has picked up). Never before have we been given any kind of time line, or told soon, get fully prepared like we have in the last few months or so.
I can’t say for any certainty this is related to a galactic superwave because i haven’t been shown that specifically. However, before my wife and i became aware of the G2 cloud and your talking about it’s possible interaction with the G.C., she had a dream indicating that a collapse was coming soon and got the sense that we needed to prepare in earnest. A little while after her dream, i had a strong intuitive nudge to check out your site again, after awhile of not looking at it. I was surprised to find out about the G2 cloud and the possibility of a soon to come superwave. Might have been a synchronicity type “message”.
Anyways, thought i would share this. However, i feel the best way for people to get info is directly from within. I find a combo of the following to help a lot in this. Meditate and set a specific intention of something like (say in your mind or preferably out loud), “I deeply desire and ask for the help, guidance and wisdom of only the most spiritually mature, loving, helpful, aware and expanded sources (for me this is Christ, Source and those fully intune with these but these labels aren’t necessary if you use the former).
Then remember a time wherein you felt a lot of Love. Bring up that memory, focus on the feeling of Love, let it well up inside. Give sincere and heartfelt thanks for any and all help you receive from those above sources.
Clear your mind of all preconceptions. Ask your questions, and then just get still and listen. Don’t preconceive how and when it will be answered–there are many ways and avenues to get answers, but be rest assured, if it’s helpful for you and your growth and you are sincere, you will get some kind of answer.
This combo method has helped me, and i’ve had definite verification way beyond chance of info and messages received before. Another thing i sometimes practice in combo is to say, “Please bring to my conscious awareness, that which would be most helpful for me and/or the Whole to become aware of now”.
Thank you for sharing your meditation technique for acquiring clairvoyant information. Yes, red skies could result from a superwave event of the more prolonged kind. A superwave having a duration of many decades could bring cosmic dust into the solar system and this could surround the sun and change its spectrum more to the red. Also dust entering the upper atmosphere might create a reddening effect. There might also be effects from superwave cosmic rays ionizing the upper atmosphere but am not sure what spectral effects this would have.
Thank you for the reply Dr. LaViolette. Btw, i made a small donation–would have made more but i really am pretty broke right now. If there is a superwave to come in the next couple of months, then i suppose money won’t matter much at all. It will become about survival skills, community, gardening, hunting, etc.
Realtime Spaceship Earth events, from weather to Cosmic Ray flow to Earthquakes and other events: Apparently Seismic activity is at an elevated state for the last 7 days.
Hello there,
I’ve been following Dr. Laviolette’s G2 cloud announcements, and I’m not sure if this is related, but take a look at the reported cosmic ray anomalies by Bartol on the 24th of March – the same time SWIFT was down. It seems to correlate, and the data was shown on Bartol and then removed, but now it is back. Perhaps it was at first thought to be in error but found to be correct:
3/25/2014 — Yellowstone Magma Chamber Earthquake Swarm — USGS Censoring Activity
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