Swift X-ray Observations of the Galactic Center as of February 6th, 2015
Swift is finally back online after a lapse of almost 3 months. For what reason? They do not say. Things still look quiescent at the Galactic center as of February 6th. The G2 cloud has long passed its pericenter andthere have been no signs of enhanced activity other than the brief spike around September 10th. As I had predicted last year, no activity should be expected from the Galactic core due to the expected infall of gas and dust stripped off from the G2 cloud because the cosmic ray wind from the Galactic core is so strong that such gas and dust would be blown away from the core. The only activity expected would be from bodies such as comets or planets tidally stripped off and slowing down sufficiently to fall into the core. So far such infall events have not been observed. This X-ray chart will be updated on an approximately monthly basis, unless there is an activity alert.
At this point the general consensus of astronomers is that the G2 cloud contains one star. As stated before, the unanswered question is whether if the G2 cloud contains a star with a planetary system and if the Galactic core is able to tug comets or planets away from the parent star, whether hydrodrag effects of the core’s ion and cosmic ray wind will be sufficient to cause such bodies to spiral into the core and trigger energetic activity. This possibility has been explored in the May 19th posting. Currently, there is little chance that the G2 cloud system will trigger a superwave outburst.
Keep in mind that we should always be prepared for the occurrence of any unexpected space weather event.
I will aquire another of your books Dr. LaViolette, 🙂 if that will help.
estoy perdido, I can only say that everything I learned in my 60+ years was either wrong or a lie.
My immediate concerns are correcting this situation. Valid Nutritional and Medical information have been my recent pursuits. The pursuit of Money is best left to Bankers, since that appears to have been the driving force behind my educated ignorance.
Industrialization of our society has left us wanting for valid information in all fields of our society, since apparently the bankers were behind the Industrialization. From our food pyramid to whatever else you would care to name. From modification of wheat or dailey bread to a literal indigestable glob, to our medicine which in the U.S we attribute 1,000,000 Iatrogenic deaths a year.
Here: http://www.fao.org/docrep/x2184e/x2184e00.htm Is some detailed information on grains and how our ancestors processed them to achieve maximun nutrition and abundance from them, through a process of fermentaion, which was also used to preserve their foods
Thank you for your input A. Mavarkas. The LIGO Hanford Observatory is but one of 2 Gravity wave detectors I know of, with another detector schedualed to be a Space Based Detector in the future. http://www.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/ What information they release I do not know, but upon my last inquiry into their mission, earth based systems seemed to be unreliable.
“best to have a little paranoia at a time like this.” especially if your distrust of your leaders is low to non-existent.
I have found the observing schedule for the galactic center and it does indeed omit 3/22 – 3/24. Observations are scheduled to begin again on 3/25: https://www.swift.psu.edu/operations/obsSchedule.php?t=91736
It is concerning that the swift image although stamped as updated on 3/24 at 4:04 is actually only displaying updates through MJD56737 which is 3/21/2014. I will post back if I can find a more real time update source. I think the swift telescope would be the most accurate indicator as of an impending galactic wave as it is space based with a radius of 10″ pointed directly at SgrA*. The swift telescope is measuring .03 ct/s whereas the ground based neutron monitors are measuring 30 – 200 ct/s and must be observing other radiation sources.
For what it’s worth, I just had a very powerful intuition that perhaps the announcement made by the International Space Station on Saturday regarding their two-week time frame before they shut the data feed to the public was, in truth, a countdown to the Event/Wave.
Perhaps the Lagrange point of the G2 cloud was reached on Saturday and thus they made their announcement but in ‘coded’ fashion giving those ‘in the know’ a two-weeks notice of sorts.
Very interesting thought. It is good to be a bit paranoid at a time like this. I will need to shoot an email off to some GC investigators to see if they have seen any evidence of the G2 cloud splitting in two.
Ich sende ebenso herzliche Grüße aus Berlin und möchte sagen, dass ich froh bin, dass ich vor einigen Wochen zufälligerweise auf diese Webseite gestoßen bin. Danke für diese First Class Infos! Vielleicht gibt es ja noch einmal eine deutsche Übersetzung :-)? Das wäre toll. Google ist bei diesen astrophysikalischen Dingen leider gerade nicht sehr gut.
Alles Liebe Petra I send also kind regards from Berlin and would like to say that I am glad that I have found some weeks ago by chance into this web page. Thanks for this First Class Infos! Maybe there is once again a German translation:-)? This would be great. Google is not very good with these astrophysical things, unfortunately, just. Affectionately yours Petra
Lastly, we have the latest Hobbit movie where, again we see the archer/Sagittarius theme played out as the dragon Smaug is taken out by the archer. Smaug is then analogous to the ‘matrix’ or grid which has held humanity hostage as well as keeping our own treasure from us as Smaug jealousy guarded his hoard. The good news is that after the ‘dragon’ was killed the treasure could be divided amongst the free peoples. This is also analogous to the new global monetary system that is, according to rumor, supposed to be implemented right following ‘The Event’ and the arrest/dissolution of the cabal/dragon. This could be good news for everyone indeed but we must remember it all comes AFTER The Event. Let’s all hope the oncoming ‘wave'(s) will be primarily evolutionary in nature as opposed to massive seismic and geological events so that we can have our proverbial cake and eat it too:)
Auch von mir ein DANKE für Ihre Informationen und Updates aus Deutschland. “Also from me a THANK YOU for your information and updates from Germany.”
Your welcome. In case you’re interested, two of my books have been translated into German: Die Botschaft der Pulsare and Verschlusssache Antigravitations-antrieb.
Interesting indeed that the ISS feed will go dark at such a pivotal time. I also find it intriguing to see the movie line up for the next two weeks starting with Noah, which of course is the great floodstory very analogous to a massive ‘wave event’ but this time coming from a galactic source. Then, the following week on April 4th one day before the ISS feed goes dark we have the new Captain America movie; The Winter Soldier, which again plays to themes of a global blackout which makes one think back to the first ever National Blackout Excersise held just this past November.
Further movie hints at what 2014 will hold can be found in the titles of the recent Thor sequel; The Dark World and then there was the last Star Trek movie last May; Into Darkness.
Maybe Usefull…
” Synopsis: Earth as Giant Gravitational Wave Detector Synopsis Image M. Coughlin and J. Harms, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2014) Upper Limit on a Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves from Seismic Measurements in the Range 0.05–1 Hz
Michael Coughlin and Jan Harms Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 101102 (2014) Published March 13, 2014
Gravitational wave (GW) detectors range from meter-wide test masses to kilometer-long laser interferometers. The Earth itself is also a potential GW receiver that outputs its signal in seismic waves. A new analysis of seismograph data constrains the amount of GW radiation in the Universe at frequencies just below 1 hertz (Hz). The derived upper limit, presented in Physical Review Letters, is orders of magnitude lower than the previous bound at these frequencies.
Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime, predicted to arise from the accelerated motion of massive bodies, such as orbiting neutron stars. When a GW passes through an object (like Earth), it can induce very small, potentially detectable vibrations. The physicist Freeman Dyson speculated in 1968 that one might detect the GWs from pulsars in seismic wave data. However, several past attempts failed to find a verifiable signal. In fact, no detector of any kind has directly observed a GW as of yet.
Michael Coughlin of Harvard University and Jan Harms of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Florence, Italy, take a fresh look at the GW-seismic wave connection. Instead of searching for a signal from a specific GW source, they consider the sum of all GW emission over the sky in the largely unexplored frequency region between 0.05 and 1 Hz. This uniform GW background would presumably contribute to random seismic wave noise. Therefore, by estimating the noise in a global network of seismographs, the researchers place an upper bound on the energy density of sub-hertz GW radiation. This limit is not very stringent when compared to other limits at higher and lower GW frequencies. But the new bound is a factor of a billion better than previous limits at similar frequencies provided by precision laboratory mass measurements. – Michael Schirber ”
The gravity wave of a superwave, if it could be detected by some of these detectors would have a frequency far below 1 Hertz. The gravity wave could have a rise time of one day with possible ripples in the minute range (0.01 Hz) I am just guessing. But keep in mind, these are not ripples in space-time; they are ripples in gravity potential, i.e., in G ether concentration. There would also be a G ether wind driven outward from the Galactic center which would cause a relativistic time dilation effect, as if we were momentarily traveling at a high velocity relative to the local rest frame. This is something not predicted by standard theory. In the Sphinx Stargate world, special and general relativity and the space-time concept stand disproven in multiple ways, as described in my books. They are replaced by the ether physics concepts of subquantum kinetics.
Dr. LaViolette,
Your work is greatly appreciated including the effort you put in to raising awareness and giving us a heads-up to the incoming energy wave. I check your site a couple of time a day.
Thank you and best wishes.
Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Informationen und Ihre aktuelles Update auch aus Deutschland.
“Thank you for your information and your latest update from Germany.”
Paul – See the below article about shutting down the ISS live feed data soon – I wonder if this is related at all?
Thank you, I have now added this to the posting
Thanks Dr. Plv. I Will continue seeing your updates. God bless You all.
gracias DR.LA VIOLETTE por aclarar la dudas ,mi cosulta aun estamos en algun riesgo producto de esa energia :consulta que podria seguir pasando a nuestro planeta?
Thank you Dr. LaViolette for clarifying the doubts, my office is still at some risk from that energy: A query, could that keep happening to our planet?
Thank you for posting this Dr. Paul and my thanks to Charlie as well. ~Mary
Thanks for these updates Dr. LaViolette. Much appreciated.
Thank you for the update Dr. L! I have sensed that the core will not throw a tantrum and spew its’ energy our way.
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