Swift X-ray Observations of the Galactic Center as of February 6th, 2015
Swift is finally back online after a lapse of almost 3 months. For what reason? They do not say. Things still look quiescent at the Galactic center as of February 6th. The G2 cloud has long passed its pericenter andthere have been no signs of enhanced activity other than the brief spike around September 10th. As I had predicted last year, no activity should be expected from the Galactic core due to the expected infall of gas and dust stripped off from the G2 cloud because the cosmic ray wind from the Galactic core is so strong that such gas and dust would be blown away from the core. The only activity expected would be from bodies such as comets or planets tidally stripped off and slowing down sufficiently to fall into the core. So far such infall events have not been observed. This X-ray chart will be updated on an approximately monthly basis, unless there is an activity alert.
At this point the general consensus of astronomers is that the G2 cloud contains one star. As stated before, the unanswered question is whether if the G2 cloud contains a star with a planetary system and if the Galactic core is able to tug comets or planets away from the parent star, whether hydrodrag effects of the core’s ion and cosmic ray wind will be sufficient to cause such bodies to spiral into the core and trigger energetic activity. This possibility has been explored in the May 19th posting. Currently, there is little chance that the G2 cloud system will trigger a superwave outburst.
Keep in mind that we should always be prepared for the occurrence of any unexpected space weather event.
It seems that the Swift observed further X-rays. Aslo the ART-XC/SRG is noticing something. This is from august 9 & 18 2019. Is this an increase in activity or is it normal?
See my reply to Jim earlier. This flare may be business as usual for Sgr A*.
great blog I no longer buy The Sun newspaper here
Some of the Swift data has been updated. Though not complete, it appears as suspected, x-rays gone wild! http://www.swift-sgra.com/
It looks like the much-anticipated uptick in galactic core activity from the G-2 cloud has finally materialized:
Does anyone know the latest on this? Unless I am missing something the Swift site has again been “down” for some time.
Dear Dr. LaViolette,
Some good news and some bad news…
The Good news is, it appears NASA is considering your SuperWave possibility is Happening NOW!!!
“The new study reveals that Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short) has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every ten days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2.”
So perhaps you will become vindicated for your views.
The Bad news, is sometimes it not good to be right.
Unless, and until, the reason for the missing data is provided, we cannot really know for sure. All science is suspect these days…
Well, I know this suggestion would never get any traction among “serious” scientists, but as someone who knows that “psi” phenomena and remote viewing are indeed “real,” it might be worthwhile for us to conduct some of our own RV experiments to try to observe what is really going on inside the G2 cloud. I recall reading in one recent research paper that “the center of gravity of the G2 cloud at its periapsis passed the GC at five times the distance from Neptune to the Sun,” or roughly 150 AU. There may yet be a “dark companion star” inside the G2 cloud which has already been tidally stripped from the G2 cloud’s center of gravity. However, it may still take a couple years for such a dark companion star to accrete into Sgr A*. I recently heard remote viewing guru Maj. Ed Dames state that he believed that the impending “Killshot” catastrophe he has been predicting for the past 20+ years would be triggered by “something coming from the galactic center.” In the absence of totally reliable or trustworthy astronomical observations from mainstream science, it might be useful to give the Remote Viewers a shot at these questions: Is there a dark star plunging toward the GC? How far away is it from the GC, relativistically speaking? How fast is it heading toward the GC? The answers to these questions could give us an approximate time-frame for anticipating when the galactic core will become “active.” You may wonder why I wouldn’t just ask the remote viewer: “When will the galactic core explode?” The problem goes back to the thorny paradoxes generated by relying on an “instantaneous signal carrier” as “psi energy” appears to be. Remote viewers have been notoriously bad at predicting dates because the event they are viewing “happens when it happens,” without regard to the observer’s location in space and time. From an Earth-bound remote viewer’s perspective, the galactic core explosion produced by the G2 dark companion hitting Sgr A* would have happened some 23,000 YBP. This is not too helpful in setting a “future” date for the galactic superwave to arrive in our solar system. I would suggest anyone reading this comment who is of an inclination to give this RV experiment a try, please send your RV “observations” to Dr. LaViolette, who should hold off on posting all of these “observations” until he can gather an unbiased consensus from multiple remote viewers indicating how long it will take the dark companion to impact the GC. Or we can all just wait around twiddling our thumbs until the Swift team decides to throw us another observational bone.
Remote viewing sounds like a good idea. Who knows some object may be lurking around in close orbit of the GC.
It could well be the science has once again been altered or omitted as it applies to the Swift monitoring program. While it was down, the x-rays may have gone wild. Despite several attempts to contact the program administrators by a few of us, it appears that no emails were ever returned. Another “scientific” cover-up? We’ll likely never know…
Hey Paul, I few days ago I referenced GRB 20150131A coordinates RA 18:04:07 Dec -34:18:43 very near the Galactic center in a comment here. I just noticed another Gamma Ray Burst extremely near the direction of the aforementioned GRB, the newer is GRB 20150206B coordinates RA 18:04:04 Dec -34:19:03 … this may or may not be significant, but at a minimum seem interesting, any reply would be appreciated, thanks.
If its low intensity, there is nothing to worry about.
After nearly three months of no data, the Swift SGR A* is back up. Are there other sources for that missing data, Paul?
I don’t believe anything happened during the missing data period. As you see the output of the Sgr A* region is back to the same baseline it had a year and a half ago.
I sent several emails to researcher Nathalie Degeneer during the outage, asking for commentary as to why the monitor was down. No replies. It makes you wonder… 😉
I didn’t get a reply from her either. Yes, it makes you wonder about her integrity as a scientist.
And also whether or not the site can be relied upon for accurate output. It would not be the first time that financial interests superseded honest scientific output.
Thank you for emailing her regardless Dr. Paul. We all appreciate your efforts and your comment. Agreed. All the best, Mary
We have an update from http://swift-sgra.com/
Thank you, I have now updated this posting on the Swift observations.
Did you see GRB 20150131A from the direction of the Galactic center; RA 18:04:07, Dec -34:18:43 ?
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