(5th edition, 572 book pages) in PDF format
NEW! 2022 expanded pdf edition of Subquantum Kinetics....(more)

(4th edition, ebook, 508 book pages) in mobi and epub format
ebook Subquantum Kinetics...(more)

Updated 2004 edition
Presents evidence that ancient myths and lore encode a sophisticated science of matter/energy creation that surpasses 21st century physics.
First edition was published under the title Beyond the Big Bang....(more)

Slide illustrated lecture by Paul A. LaViolette
Paul LaViolette's presentation at the Democritos Nuclear Center, Athens Greece, 1994. Shows that cosmological observations refute the big bang theory and favor a stationary universe with tired-light behavior. Reviews subquantum kinetics and its cosmological predictions....(more)

One hour lecture video
Slide illustrated lecture by Paul LaViolette presented in 2001 at the New Hydrogen Technologies and Space Drives Conference, Weinfelden, Switzerland....(more)

Video Download (623MB)
This video tells the fascinating story of how our physical universe has been coming into being (and still is) through a process of continuous creation.
Accompanied by the beautiful and spiritually inspiring music of Ashana, Ray Lynch, and Miika Mettiäinen....(more)

About to go into its tenth printing!
Contains an update of the paper "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron," an update of the paper "How the Searl Effect works," the Electrogravitics Systems report of Aviation Studies Ltd, and much more....(more)

Slide illustrated lecture
Slide illustrated lecture by Paul LaViolette presented in 2009 at the Ozark UFO Conference....(more)

2006 updated edition, paperback
Presents first time evidence for the existence of interstellar radio beacons of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) origin that are beaming signals toward the solar system.
Updated second edition of the book The Talk of the Galaxy originally published in 2000....(more)

Video (768MB)
Historical announcement to the science community of evidence of ET contact. Video of Dr. LaViolette's presentation at the January 12, 2000 American Astronomical Society meeting.
Includes discussions of his findings with astronomers who came to his booth in the conference exhibit hall....(more)

"One of the most amazing studies of cosmic cataclysmic cycles ever put into print." Critical Review
Captivatingly written and illustrated with 115 photos and diagrams. It demonstrates how ancient myths and lores have preserved an accurate record of a missing era in human history......(more)

PDF Documents Bundle (58MB)
A 2012 update of his original 1983 Ph.D. dissertation (technical background for his book Earth Under Fire)....(more)

PDF Documents Bundle (20.7MB)
Includes papers by Paul LaViolette on his emotional-perceptive cycle theory along with a seminal paper by William Gray, MD on his emotional-cognitive structure theory...(more)