Questions and Answers

In this page you can post your questions about Paul LaViolette’s work and the various theories discussed on

222 Responses to Questions and Answers

  1. Ric says:

    Dr. Laviolette,

    In my last question I asked about other gravitational forces affecting the electrogravitity device. I am also curious as to the affects of water and pressure. Knowing that T. T. Brown submerged his test equipment in oil so as to eliminate ion wind. Would these crafts be able to function under sea water and because of the gravitational field that they produce, be able to withstand or nullify the water pressure? Your description of how the B2 uses electrogravitity to displace the air molecules to reduce friction. Will this same technology create the same results in water?

    Thank you again,


  2. Ric says:

    Dr. Laviolette,

    Let me start off by saying I read “Secrets of antigravity propulsion” and loved it. I am now reading it for the second time and getting ready to start my own experiments.

    In one point of the book you wrote “Because the wavelike distortion of the local gravitational field would pull with an equal force on all particles of matter, the ship, its occupants, and its load would allrespond equally to these maneuvers. The occupants would feel no stress at all, no matter how sharp the turn or how great the acceleration.” Also,“electro-gravitational fields whose polarity can be controlled to cancel out gravity.” He told this correspondent: “All the (mass) materials and human beings within these fields will be part of them.” You go on to mention that the craft or people in the craft are not affected by any other gravitational forces of earth or any celestial bodies. Does this mean we would be able to enter a black hole without feeling the gravitational forces?

    Thank you, have a great day.

  3. Peter Light says:

    Hi Dr. LaViolette, have you ever considered the thought that a superwave could also come from Orion’s Nebula? And would it be possible that there could also be a core explosion in Orion’s Nebula as well?


    • Paul LaViolette says:

      No, it is highly unlikely that something in Orion’s Nebula would produce a superwave. The superwave phenomenon is produced from supermassive cores, which as a rule are found at the centers of galaxies.

      • Peter Light says:

        Ok, but there is also a black hole or super massive dark star in Orion’s Nebula. So why couldn’t a superwave event happen in Orion’s Nebula as well?

        The Day of the Lord as you discussed in your book, “Earth Under Fire” is connected with Orion in Amos 5 if you read it closely.

        I believe the 3 pyramids and the Sphinx was built as a marker of an Earth cataclysm around 13,000 years ago and it is obviously connected with Orion.

        Also, do you believe our solar system came from a nebula or even possibly Orion’s Nebula? Just thinking out of the box here.

        • Paul LaViolette says:

          Again, black holes do not exist. As far as supermassive cores, these are usually found at the center of a Galaxy. Nothing with any significant mass in Orion. You should read my book Earth Under Fire. As early as 1997 I was explaining that Orion commemorates the people that died in the last cataclysm and the Gizeh pyramid complex which is symbolically associated with Orion through Osiris and through shaft sightings is also a memorial.

          The matter composing the solar system came from the Galactic center, as did the stars in Orion. Orion did not spawn the solar system.

  4. Matthew Bell says:

    Dear Paul,

    Thank you for your reply to my questions on how mother stars explode and to my other questions. I will read your book to get a better understanding of SQK.
    I am a bit confused about what some people say about sub-luminal travel, using magnetic propulsion devices, how they can do this without warping time or using wormhole type navigation to fold two points together.
    Kind regards,

  5. M. Duncan says:

    Dear Paul: Somewhere in some New Age type forum, I have come across the idea that our solar system is now conjunct to the center of the Milky Way in a way that is ‘closest’ or unique, if that is possible, in the 27000 year cycle of the precession. I am not a scientist, so in very simple language please: If this is true, is it possible that the Earth is encountering energies unlike anything we have witnessed in the past? New healers would have us believe so, and I would really like to understand how this claim can be justified, if it is justified. Or is this channeled disinformation on top of erroneous ascptions… This question is relevant to the context of a paper I am writing on people receiving information in their dream life from alien sources (Not the negative abduction or pathological varieties of experiences)… Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      The Mayans held significance to the precession of the December solar solstice relative to the Galactic plane. They believed that these marked world cycle transitions. There is no causative effect to this alignment. It is just for time keeping on a grande scale. This alignment occurred over a decade ago, as I discuss in my book Earth Under Fire. Nothing happened then.
      It is not true that Earth is encountering energies unlike what we have witnessed in the past. Sounds like baloney. It is better to rely on scientific reports rather than psychic reports for the current situation. As for the future (regarding superwaves), we might look to psychic sources as an additional information input since superwave arrivals can occur suddenly without much advance warning.

  6. Matthew Bell says:

    Hi Dr LaViolette,

    Thank you for your reply to my Malachite observation.

    I am having a little difficulty visualizing and understanding the life cycle of how a “Black Hole” or ‘Mother star’, works?
    I get the fact that they are the most dense things in galaxies but you said that black holes/mother stars explode in a cycle when they get to a critical…mass or force or something.
    1) What happens when they explode, is the explosion projected omni-directional?
    I thought that two jets formed to expel the matter.
    2) If it is possible that wormholes can be created using technology and also as you say with the subquantum kinetics laws of physics, is it not possible for the mass of a mother star to break free into another part of the universe or even a different universe?
    Sort of like a White Hole appears somewhere else.
    3) Or does it explode back into its local galaxy creating more stars etc?
    Sorry, so many questions. I apologize for my naivety on these cosmological matters, but as an artist I like to visualize different systems at work. I believe your theory is the most accurate and would like to see more visual descriptions of the processes you are describing. I am currently painting Professor John Searls portrait. I would be happy to do a portrait of you if you ever visit the UK.
    Kind regards,
    Matthew Bell

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      1) The explosion is omnidirectional, but there is less screening of the cosmic rays aligned close to the Mother star’s magnetic pole axis; so emission in these polar directions can be enhanced as compared with other directions, as is the case with the gamma ray bubbles which I have discussed on the superwave forum (

      2) I don’t believe in the existence of wormholes. If you read my work you will find that subquantum kinetics replaces special and general relativity and does not advocate any warping of space.

      3) To learn more about how core explosions create and expel matter, read the book Subquantum Kinetics. Parts are technical though.

  7. Matthew Bell says:

    Dear Dr LaViolette,

    I am an artist and a new fan to your work, I am enjoying all the different fields of study you have undertaken and read with great interest. I tend to think in a similar way but different. Forgive me if you already know this but I couldn’t help but match up the geometric structural similarities between Belousov-Zhabotinskii chemical reaction and cross sections of the green stone Malachite. Concentric ring formation.
    I also think that may be a further source of research for more validation of your subquantum kinetics model to be accepted.
    Kind regards,
    Matthew Bell

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      Yes, if I remember correctly, these patterns in malachite are believed to be formed by a deposition-diffusion process that resembles the reaction-diffusion processes that operate in systems like the Brusselator or Model G.

  8. Dan Hayden says:

    Dr. LaViolette,

    What is your opinion of the hyperspace model of Burkhard Heim?

  9. Sidney Somes says:

    Dear Dr. LaViolette, I found the answer to a question I asked a couple of days ago about Quantum Entanglement exquisitely answered in a pdf of your “Introduction to Subquantum Kinetics”. I’m sure it is in some of your other publications I perhaps forgot about. Your writings have been a revelation to me since I first read “Beyond the Big Bang” years ago.

    Thank you, Sidney Somes

  10. Sidney Somes says:

    Dear Dr. LaViolette, I have had the privilege of reading Genesis of the Cosmos and Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion. I think the evidence for your theories is convincing and mounting, as science continues to do research. I think I have accounted for most of the differences between your theories and the orthodoxy, but one thing that bothers all orthodox physicists is entanglement. I do not expect you to have a theory on this, as it seems almost to reveal the man behind the curtain, and he seems to want to keep his presence a secret. But, on the off chance, perhaps you can speculate if it isn’t a consequence of SQK.

  11. jitendra says:

    I really appreciate you Sir for giving us such book (Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion). One question that is always troubling me: how to conclude, as everyone claims that USA has advanced technology, if they failed to land on moon in 1969. How can they harbor such startling technology (ufo`s,aliens…..) ?

    Please answer

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      As you can read in my book, a Canadian official back in the late 50’s disclosed that the subject of UFO’s is classified two levels above the hydrogen bomb. This kind of advanced aerospace propulsion technology likely had similar classification. They just kept it secret. As I explain in my book, NASA is a cover operation, a publicly visible program that keeps the taxpayers happy and gets us some nice shots of the planets and galaxies.

  12. Paul LaViolette says:

    Yes, I was informed about this. I plan to make a posting about it. This is not evidence of highly speculative dark matter collisions as the astronomers propose (after the fact). It is gamma emission produced by galactic superwaves traveling outward from the Milky Way’s core, and it verifies a prediction to this effect that I made years ago.

  13. Andrei says:

    What do you think about the Electric Universe hypothesis?

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      I have no opinion since I have not read the books written about it. I concentrate mainly on developing subquantum kinetics. Others can compare the two views.

  14. mark lund says:

    Prof. …. Thank you for the painstaking time you take to answer so many questions. You have said that in the last 5,300 years there have been 13 superwave spikes of varying magnitudes.
    You also mentioned that the spikes are roughly periodical in that they occur approximately every 500 years or so… I couldn’t help but notice the number 13 without being reminded of the Mayan Baktuns… Do you see any possible correlation between your findings of the 13 spikes and the similar Mayan period which began 5,200 “tuns” ago and which has the 13 baktun time markers placed at 400 “tun” intervals ?

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      I don’t think it is warranted to read into such a thing so much detail.

    • mark lund says:

      I read your post the other day where you wrote………….. Do any of you people who post these questions think of contributing to the Starburst Foundation…… I think that is a valid point, and so when I came across two events (Observing the Frontiers) that are going to be held by “Suspicious 0bservers” (the “o” is a zero), it occurred to me that you would be a very welcome speaker. Are you aware of their site and posts? Speak to the founder of Suspicious 0bservers: Ben Davidson.

  15. Mark Zinberg says:

    Dr. LaViolette. I am a little confused by the strength of a core explosion relative to a supernova outburst. A supernova outburst according to astro scientists wouldn’t affect Earth unless it was close to us, around 50-100 light years away. Thus, if a supernova outburst happened with Rigel that is around 850 light years away or Betelgeuse that is around 650 light years away, it wouldn’t harm Earth. But according to your theory a brown dwarf star plunging into Galactic Center that is 26,000 light years away would affect Earth with a superwave depending on magnitude. How is a brown dwarf star creating a superwave from Galactic Center that is 26,000 light years away that much more powerful by a huge margin to a supernova explosion only 100 light years away that wouldn’t damage Earth much? Thanks.

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      Actually, my assessment is that the GC is closer than that. It is about 23,000 light years away. A core explosion would be equivalent to over a million of type II supernova explosions (which are the more powerful type of supernova explosions). So that would be equivalent to a supernova going off about 23 light years away or closer. The energy of the released superwave would far exceed the energy released by the in falling brown dwarf. The brown dwarf only acts as a trigger, its energy being amplified in the core’s supercritical energy-amplifying environment.

  16. Mark Zinberg says:

    Another question for your Dr. LaViolette. If a core explosion occurs and possibly makes the Sun over active, what magnitude would the superwave be if intense Carrington like solar flares lasted 5 months to a year on Earth? I am confused if this would be a Mag 1 superwave event or a higher magnitude event that possibly occurred around 11,000 B.C.?

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      Magnitude 3. Information on the magnitude scale is given in one of the aker links in the superwave stargate.

      • Mark Zinberg says:

        Thank you for the reply Dr. LaViolette. By the way, I love your new web site layout and design. I remember first coming across your web site and your work back in 2007. This new web site design/layout is stellar. Now here is another question for you. If a massive brown dwarf star were to plunge into the Galactic Core within the next few months and create a potentially dangerous superwave, how quickly would the superwave get to Earth? I guess once we see the light from the Galactic Core explosion that the superwave would be at our doorstep since the gravity waves and the comic rays are traveling at the speed of light? I am actually particularly concerned about the April/May 2015 time period. Yes, 2015 not 2014 for a variety of reasons that I will soon share with you once I complete my research soon.

        • Paul LaViolette says:

          Yes, the highest energy cosmic ray component would arrive only seconds after the electromagnetic component. Lower energy cosmic rays would arrive progressively later.

  17. Mark Zinberg says:

    Dr. LaViolette. Have you ever considered that the 10 plagues of Exodus during the time of Passover might have been caused by a Gamma Ray outburst, or a Supernova explosion, or a Galactic Center superwave, or a Carrington like solar flare?

    The reason why I ask this, is that in Exodus 13 it describes a “Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire” possibly alluding to a star that went supernova or a gamma ray outburst? Maybe even a GC superwave event?

    It was also at this time, around 1440 B.C. when Exodus occurred that the first reported supernova sighting happened.

    Thank you!

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      A core outburst is a possibility for this event. In this article that you cite, the Chinese record in the 14th century BC a guest star that appears in the sky accompanying the star Antares which is in Scorpio. The archaeoastronomers attempt to associate it with a supernova remnant in Vela which is quite far south from Antares, about 17° of arc away, and likely below the visible horizon for someone living in China. So I tend to doubt this association. On the other hand, the Galactic core has about the same angular deviation from Antares (19°) and would definitely have been visible to the ancient Chinese. In my Ph.D. dissertation I predict a GC outburst date of 1040 ± 450 BC based on the neon cloud observations which due to the imprecision of knowing its date could have occurred anytime between 1500 BC and 600 BC. So this event does span the period that this guest star was observed. It could very well have been a brief core outburst rather than a supernova. We can get a better fix on the superwave date by checking the ice record. Incidentally another Chinese guest star is recorded to have appeared in the constellation of Scorpius in 393 AD. This date comes close to another of the minor core outburst dates which the neon cloud record dates at 253 ± 259 AD. Again this date as well could be made more precise with ice core investigations.

      • Mark Zinberg says:

        Thank you Dr. LaViolette. Very very interesting than that a core outburst could have happened during the time of Exodus. This could possibly be the light that was seen “Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire” in Exodus 13? hmmmm

  18. Mark Zinberg says:

    Hi Dr. LaViolette. I am a huge fan of your theories, research, and books, especially “Earth Under Fire”.

    I believe you mentioned before if I am not mistaken that a Galactic Superwave could enable one of the potential stars that is nearing supernova outburst to actually go supernova.

    Do you think a Galactic Superwave could make the star Betelgeuse to go supernova?

    Thank you so much!

    • Paul LaViolette says:

      I doubt it very much. Red supergiants are candidates for supernova explosions only in standard theory. A star would most likely need to evolve into a blue supergiant or blue hypergiant before being susceptible to producing a supernova explosion. The one case where the precursor star was known, the star, Sandulek, was a blue supergiant not a red supergiant. See ch. 9, sec. 17 of Subquantum Kinetics.

      • Mark Zinberg says:

        Thank you for the reply Dr. LaViolette. Very interesting! So you think then that the Blue supergiant Rigel in constellation Orion as well has a much higher likelihood going supernova than Red supergiant Betelgeuse? If Rigel goes Supernova it would essentially create a “Second Sun” in our skies for possibly a few weeks or month.

        • Mark Zinberg says:

          This thought of Rigel, the Blue Star going supernova brings to mind the Blue Star of the Hopi’s and the myth of constellation Scorpio stinging Orion’s foot?

          • Paul LaViolette says:

            I would rather interpret the Hopi’s blue star with Sgr A* not with a supernova. The synchrotron radiation from a core explosion has this characteristic blue-white color. You may refer to my book Earth Under Fire to learn more about this.

        • Paul LaViolette says:

          The last time a superwave was accompanied by a gravity wave strong enough to trigger many supernova explosions was around 14,200 years ago. There appear also to have been some less significant stellar disturbances associated with the minor superwave event that occurred 5300 years ago. For example, the slow nova Eta Carinae and the P Cygni outbursts are correlated with this 5250 years BP event horizon. P Cygni incidentally is a luminous variable blue hypergiant star. Unless the next superwave is a strong event, unlike the 12 Magnitude 1 events that have occurred in the last 5300 years, it is unlikely to trigger supernova explosions.

          • Mark Zinberg says:

            Thank you for the reply Dr. LaViolette. That is right! I do remember you mentioning that that Sgr A* would be associated with the Hopi Blue Star in your awesome book “Earth Under Fire”.

            I have much more to share with you in the near future from my research.

            I believe Rigel could very well be “the great star that fell from heaven, Wormwood” and the other star that fell from heaven “Sgr A*” is the key to the bottomless pit (black hole).

            And out of the smoke of the pit and great furnace gave rise to the King over them, Apollyon, which I believe Apollyon is in reference to the Sun (Apollo). And Apollyon had power to sting men for 5 months like the sting of a Scorpion.

  19. Daniel Knight Hayden says:

    I have read all your books and I agree with your theories. What is your opinion of the new article “First direct evidence of cosmic inflation?”


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