John Anthony West, Mystery of the Sphinx webpage
In Earth Under Fire LaViolette puts a new but highly informed spin on the troubled question of what provoked the meltdown of the last Ice Age and the ensuing cataclysm that killed all the woolly mammoths, drowned ‘Atlantis’, and saw the sea levels rise to their present levels.
Bob Girard, Arcturus Books
Oh, a super book! I lack the time and the space to describe fully, will limit myself to saying that this is a book which offers a scientific analysis of the “Deluge” of scripture and oral tradition worldwide, and seeks the cause of this earthly catastrophe deep in the cosmos. In a theory a bit reminiscent of that offered in When the Earth Nearly Died, a “superwave” from space washes over the earth in the way that a tsunami washes over a coastline following an undersea quake. The idea is then supported by geophysical and cultural evidence in the archaeology and mythology of global civilizations. A challenging and entirely plausible hypothesis, highly recommended right up there with the many books we’ve offered over the past couple of years (Bauval & Hancock, Allen & Delair, and the several books about the Templars and “Tomb of God” sort of thing).
James A. Cox, Midwest Book Review
Earth Under Fire is “must” reading for anyone with an interest in apocryphal or metaphysical studies.
Reviewer: Deborah Leppert from Georgetown, Texas, October 22, 2000
[Top rating: 5 out of 5 stars] reader reviewsVERRRRRY INTERESTING!!
One of the most interesting books I’ve read in a LONG TIME! Paul A. LaViolette is truly a Renaissance Man when it comes to knowledge. His never-ending curiosity has put together astronomy, astrology, tarot, mythology, hard-core science, legends, and a few hunches of his own . . . and out came a truly revolutionary theory on the periodic and cyclical extinctions that have occurred on our planet. It’s been handed down to us in all of the above mentioned forms . . . but most of mankind chooses to ignore it. Paul has some REALLY good arguments for his theories. We need more people who choose to question the status quo instead of blinding believing what is set before them by the educational and religious community. GO, PAUL, GO!! from Santa Cruz, CA, March 16, 1999
[Top rating: 5 out of 5 stars] reader reviewsIlluminates the Book of Revelation. When I was reading and not understanding the symbolism in the Book of Revelation, Paul’s book was like a floodlight in a strange mansion where rooms were filled with dark mysteries, until Paul revealed revelation in a new light. Now I understand what it means, eg. ‘He comes with the clouds! are solar wind clouds, cosmic dust, and the blue light in the black sky, its all explained in a new and original, prophetic way. Hooray Paul! from Malibu, Calif. , February 16, 1998
[Top rating: 5 out of 5 stars] reader reviewsIf true, one of the most important books ever.
If the central thesis of EARTH UNDER FIRE is correct, this is one of the most important books ever written. Although it would take a team of very independent-minded scientists from at least a dozen different disciplines to make a solid assessment of the various novel claims & interpretations made here, LaViolette’s theory does what all good new theories do: it takes a variety of disparate, previously neglected or unaccounted for facts and weaves them into a new perspective in which they fit together seamlessly like pieces of a puzzle.
LaViolette proposes a new version of quantum mechanics which applies nonlinear dynamical ideas from Prigogine to the long-neglected, but never disproven, notion of the ether. LaViolette says this model predicts that the galactic core is not a blackhole, but a supermassive energy object which explodes (or beats like a heart?) periodically. This pulsation sends out a wave of cosmic rays which then fill the solar system with interstellar gas, occluding sunlight, and increasing solar flare activity.
LaViolette builds on recent work by Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, John Anthony West, et al., and argues that the sphinx/pyramid complex, the zodiac and the tarot were all time capsule messages to future generations about the last time this event hit earth, with catastrophic consequences (about 13,000 years ago). If the indications from the Mayan calendar are correct, another such wave may be incoming around 2012 AD. That gives us fourteen years to prepare, if these numbers handed down from ancient astronomers, and polar ice core samples, are anything to go by.
While the central hypothesis, and the various interpretations that follow from it, are highly unorthodox, there is next to nothing of the flaky fringe science/UFOlogy/New Age vibe in this book. And LaViolette’s astronomically based deciphering of the sphinx/zodiac “cryptogram” provides further evidence that there was indeed a technically advanced civilization on earth (“Atlantis”) which appears to have been largely extinguished by the proposed ‘superwave’ catastrophe, which also brought the last ice age to an end. We can only hope LaViolette is wrong, or if he is right, that we are in the 26,000 year lull between superwaves, rather than the 13,000 year half cycle. If the latter, the information contained in this book should be broadcast globally, with international interdisciplinary conferences convened immediately. Let’s hope LaViolette is completely wrong, but just in case. . . READ THIS BOOK.
Kurt Johmann, A pleased reader from Gainesville, FL , 12/24/97
[Top rating: 5 out of 5 stars] reader reviews
Earth Under Fire by Paul LaVioletteI have just finished reading the book Earth Under Fire by Paul LaViolette (he has a PhD in systems science). The book is $25.95, hardcover, 405 pages ( has it).
This book accomplishes so much, that it is hard to say anything about it. In a nutshell, the book is about LaViolette’s dissertation subject, being [about] the effect of periodic galactic core explosions — the period being roughly 26,000 years — which send out shells of cosmic rays (chiefly in the form of electrons moving at near light-speed) that are hundreds to thousands of light-years thick (the thickness being the duration of that particular galactic core explosion).
The effect of this constant blast of cosmic rays — once the shell hits our solar system which is 23,000 light-years from the galactic core — is to push interstellar dust into the inner solar system (the dust is normally kept out by the pressure of the solar wind). The result of this dust is very major, in a number of different ways, including 1) increased flaring of the sun in the style of T Tauri stars, 2) a downshift toward the infra-red in terms of the solar radiation reaching the Earth, and 3) a significant deviation from normal in terms of the total solar energy reaching the ground.
The last shell passed the Earth roughly 14,000 years ago, marking the end of the last ice age, and causing all the major physical changes recorded from that time.
LaViolette is a solid thinker, and he does not fall for the “pole shift” idea originally advocated by Hapgood, and more recently advocated by Rose and Rand Flem-Ath in their book When the Sky Fell. Instead, LaViolette disposes of the pole-shift approach in two pages at the end of section 12.1, by simply citing physical evidence, which, in my opinion, refutes it.
But, far from being a mere naysayer, LaViolette has brought a whole new approach to answering the mysterious questions about what really happened in the cataclysmic past, and why.
The book starts out slow, . . . on stuff like interpreting astrological symbols and myths. . . but then the pace picks up as the really important stuff, all the physical evidence, is marshalled in support of these core explosions and their fingerprints on the Earth, the solar system, and other parts of the galaxy (for example, section 10.2 regarding supernova remnants is just one of the many gems in this book).
My own reaction to this book is that I feel that, at last, I have a very solid explanation for what caused the cataclysmic period that coincided with the end of the last ice age. So thank you, Dr. LaViolette.
As a postcript for his book, LaViolette does go into some detail as to the stone-wall treatment his research results have received. But this is not surprising for those who already know that no good deed goes unpunished.
Andrew Rothovius, Fate magazine
This book is a well-reasoned and persuasive variation on the currently popular theme of Earth catastrophes caused by comet and meteorite impacts. LaViolette proposes that the Earth is also subjected, at intervals of thousands of years, to the effects of chilling clouds of cosmic dust and sudden surges of devastating heat from the Sun, caused by recurring tremendous explosions in the center of our galaxy.
Such explosions, he argues, occur in all galaxies sometimes releasing such vast amounts of energy that the ensuring outbursts of light are brighter than the galaxies themselves and are seen by us as quasars. On a lesser scale, Earth’s several drastaic alterations of climate, resulting in the extinction of many life forms, came from blasts in our galaxy’s core.
The most recent blast caused the end of the last Ice Age, about 11,600 years ago, when a sudden melting of the ice sheets released titanic floods over large parts of North America and Eurasia. This swift catastrophic melting resulted from surges of intense heat triggered in the Sun by the [invading dust]. . .
The melting occurred in two stages, with a brief, intervening refreezing caused by a cloud of sun-darkening cosmic dust flung [in] by the explosion. The ice age itself may have been caused by a larger cosmic dust cloud.
Geologists have long known that the ending of the ice age was an abrupt, two-phase affair, but there has never been any consistent explanation of the cause — any more than of how the huge boulders known as “glacial erratics” were actually lifted and carried vast distances by the ice. Some have suggested that the glacial ice sheets were broken up and melted by comet impacts, with resulting meltwater torrents sweeping the boulders for hundreds of miles. LaViolette’s solar heat surges are a more convincing explanation, one that easily accounts for phenomena such as the enormous glacial-melt floods that scoured out the scablands of eastern Washington State. These deluges were also the likeliest cause of the mass extinction of large mammals in the late Pleistocene epoch.
According to LaViolette, violent episodes of cosmic “superwaves” emanating from our galaxy’s exploding center may have caused the mass extinction at the end of the [Pleistocene], as well as the gigantic floods that appear to have occurred on Mars.
LaViolette devotes several chapters to analysis of myths and legends that may preserve folk memories of the galactic core explosion which ended the last ice age. The author believes that the galactic superwaves of energy were visible as a bluish glow in the sky for perhaps centuries. He also makes a case for the shapes of the zodiacal constellations being an ancient code identifying [Scorpius] as the galactic core from where this cosmic onslaught came upon the Earth, and from where it could recur at any time in possibly even more terrifying fashion. As yet, science has no way of predicting when and with what intensity the Galactic center may blow up. This is a book that both fascinates and frightens. . .
David Sakmyster, writer
Dear Dr. LaViolette:
Thank you for your wonderfully-written and thoroughly enlightening, Earth Under Fire. It is a welcome complement to other landmark studies (such as G. Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods) on the correlation between ancient myth and cosmic cataclysms. You provide, finally, a logical and provable cause for the periodic destructions spoken of throughout ancient legends, and create a believable scenario of advanced prior civilizations.Mr. Sakmyster is author of the science fiction story Vestige which has appeared in the internet magazine The Boundless Realm. He writes that the ending for his story was inspired from reading Earth Under Fire.
Nexus Magazine
The Earth has undergone many cataclysms in its history, but human civilisation has been around long enough to witness only a few of these. Records of major and minor cosmic events have survived through the ages in myth, art, architecture, in ancient zodiac systems and in writing.
But what if some of these records point to a common cause of a cyclical nature? This is just what physicist Dr. Paul LaViolette suggests in Earth Under Fire, the Sequel to his 1995 tome, Beyond the Big Bang.
Dr. LaViolette concludes that these catastrophes of greater and lesser degrees are the result of eruptions from the centre of our Milky Way galaxy. He points to radio telescope observations showing that the galactic core (Sagittarius A) has erupted 14 times in the past 6,000 years, with about 80% of these outbursts occurring within 500 years of each other. Citing the ice core beryllium-10 record as evidence, he argues that Earth has not experienced a large core “superwave” outburst for 11,000 years and, as it’s been around 700 years since a minor event, we’re overdue for more activity from the galactic centre — but astronomers can’t say when.
Integral to Dr. LaViolette’s Earth-shattering thesis are his discoveries about warnings encoded in ancient zodiacs, in Plato’s story of Atlantis, in the Sphinx and the Temple of Dendera in Egypt. But these records don’t say exactly when such cataclysms will occur in our future — only that they come around with regularity.
New Science News
In his latest books — Beyond the Big Bang and Earth Under Fire, which are accessible and rewarding to the patient layman — Dr. LaViolette presents, with meticulous scholarship, the “big picture” of earth history and its likely long-distance future.
Traditional Yoga Studies
2006 review by Georg Feurstein: