J. Grupp, Amazon Review (5 stars), December 4, 2007 Proof of ETs for the super-skeptic
I have been searching for much of my life for concrete proof of high extraterrestrial life. Before this book, I had only come across the same-ole ‘testimonial’ (and non-scientific) accounts, similar to those that are found on the Discovery Channel, for example, where people tell us they have seen UFOs or something, but can’t prove it. This book on pulsars pretty much has proven to me that there is intelligent life throughout our galaxy. The very nature of pulsars, in addition to their layout around the galaxy, cannot be the product of random evolution of the galaxy. Neutron stars have never been observed by scientists, and thus are not scientific entities (they are only theoretical, and only the pulses have empirical). And there are so many well-known problems with the theory of neutron starts (how to neutrons line up together as they are supposed to according to the neutron star theory?). Thus, the problems with neutron stars in the scientific assumptions by experts, combined with the discoveries in this book, are so powerful that this book could involve some of the most earth-shattering information I have ever come across (and I have done a whole lot of reading in my life). I cannot recommend this book enough–it is scientific, professional, academic (in the truest sense), sober and rational, and empirical.
Erica Blomquist, Amazon Review (5 stars), May 29, 2007 Intriguing and well-researched!
This book is extremely well-researched and presents a very intriguing new hypothesis about intelligent life in our galaxy. Read this book (or any of Paul A. LaViolette’s) if you’re interested in science but want to know more than just what the intro textbooks tell you, i.e., what has been deemed “worthy” of being part of the mainstream science propaganda mill. Thinking outside the box is what all our great scientists of the past did–they fought the naysayers and are now considered great thinkers. It’s a shame that mainstream science isn’t allowing more outside-the-box thinkers into the fold. Think of all the great discoveries that are being laughed at as “toilet paper” (to quote the reviewer “GG”). In 100 years, hopefully the story will be different.
Rahasya Poe, Lotus Guide Magazine, Amazon Review (4 stars), August 23, 2010
With every advancement in technology the comprehension of our reality expands and increases dramatically. It’s well accepted that we are not alone in this universe and recent findings that pulsars are strategically placed throughout the galaxies are but one more example of the possibility of intelligent life out there that we need to take seriously. Paul A. LaViolette reveals a vast body of scientific evidence that will give you a firm foundation for looking further over the horizon of human understanding.
Lawrence Veltkamp, Amazon Review (5 stars), March 6, 2009
Excellent book! Well written and breath taking in it’s scope. This book takes the first big step toward proving the existence of Aliens mathematically by deducing the purpose of their technological feats out in space. Pulsar’s prove Aliens, and also their profound interest in educating us and helping us evolve. Combine this with the sumerican tablets and you’ve really got something. Paul “La VIEW lay” continues to go where no man has gone before, BRAVO!
Sharon Withers, Amazon Review (4 stars), January 27, 2008 Decoding the Messages of the Pulsars
Although this book is very technical it is interesting. Don’t be discouraged by that if you are considering purchasing the book. It is enlightening to know that we just recently realized there were such celestial bodies, which we used to call dwarf stars. I took away from this book, that we are not alone. Whether you beleive in a higher power or not, it’s time for our species to understand we are not alone. That the pulsars are understood by us now to possibly be a heavenly highway; the pulsars emitting light pulses much like our directional maps but of a higher sort. Some may be afraid when they realize this. But consider this: We have been alone for as long as our minds can remember and no harm has come to us thus far. It is neither a threat nor a bail out for our threatened planet. Perhaps, that is how we came to be on planet Earth?
Evangelia Vlachou, Amazon Review (5 stars), December 18, 2007 A probable danger for humantiy
I have read many books of the author. The constant message he anxiously wants to send to humanity is that a possible danger, which will come from abroad (center of galaxy) and will cause an enormous destruction, might occur. The same message (among others) was sent by Helena Petrova Blavatsky in the “Secret Doctrine” in 1988. In our days, the author devoted his whole life to prove that this possible danger can be justified by experiments and scientific reasoning. It is worthy for each of us to pay some effort and spend some time to read his books, since the message of a possible destruction of humanity will finally change our lives and the way we think about everything.
J. A., Amazon Review (5 stars), June 6, 2007 Pulsars might be a Message
I think LaViolette has a plausible claim when he mentions that Pulsars are the result of extraterrestrial intelligent. Being a fan of SETI and an amateur astronomer, I found the book very good. I also think we don’t have the technology today to explain not even 1% of what is going on beyond the moon. I once read someone saying that we can’t explain physical phenomenta of very small (quantum level) or very large objects, a galaxy for instance. That might be true. How do we validate that? Someday we’ll have it. Thanks for your book Paul.
Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone, February 5, 2007 https://educate-yourself.org/zsl/
decodingmessagepulsars05feb07.shtml Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Intelligent Communication From the Galaxy
This book was a Christmas present from Joan. I finished reading it on January 27, a bit slow for me but it is dense with information. The key point LaViolette makes is that pulsars, radio frequency stars, are beacons located near nova or super nova remnants by extra terrestrial intelligences (ETI). Over 1500 pulsars have been identified in our galaxy since their discovery in 1967. The theory that still holds sway in the astrophysics departments around the world is the “neutron star lighthouse beacon model”: A twenty mile diameter neutron star remains after a super nova and spins rapidly with a strong magnetic field at ninety degrees to the spin axis. The theory has so many patches covering its deficiencies that it is nothing but patches. LaViolette goes into great detail on how the lighthouse model has fallen apart and how the only adequate explanation is that they are artificial beacons. He lists fourteen characteristics of the pulsar signals lending credence to the ETI model. When talking with me about this book review with Ken Adachi, he suggested that I look into Dr. Richard Boylan’s “Aviary” list of Majestic 12 scientists. Dr. Paul A. LaViolette is not cited in the old guard of the special study group but he does include information in this book that only a select few would know. Definitely he is one who favours public disclosure of knowledge about aliens — as some of the members of the Aviary have advocated. In order to construct an Earth-based beacon able to return a signal to the stars, LaViolette explores the possibility of scaling up existing Star Wars (SDI) technologies. I have suspected the existence of such powerful beams but have not read about them elsewhere. It was new to me. He also goes into microwave frequency repelling rays theoretically useful in protecting Earth from solar coronal mass ejections, supernova superwaves and galactic core superwaves. He quotes the actual US Patent proving that microwaves can exert a repelling force. He theorizes it is possible to create a microwave bubble around the solar system to protect life on Earth from cosmic rays, x-rays and other high energy particles of a nearby nova or another galactic core superwave. Paul LaViolette believes the pulsars are an ETI warning system for galactic core superwaves. In his earlier book, “Earth Under Fire: Humanity’s Survival of the Ice Age”, LaViolette writes the sudden thaw could have been caused by a galactic superwave. The ice got warm rather quickly. The novae near the present pulsars locations burst as the galactic core superwave washed over them in sequence. The new superwave travelling at nearly the speed of light would be upon us soon after the pulsars and stars nearer the core winked out due to a veil of high velocity particles. I slept many nights on this doomsday scenario. I awoke each day with a bit more information. First of all, I saw the Earth is already girded with many layers of protection. Second, only 1500 out of a hundred billion stars went nova. That is 0.0000015% of the star population went nova in our galaxy. Third, those stars who went nova coordinated their starbursts with the galaxy and nearby stars. The nova is an act of a new creation, and new stars are being born. Fourth, all the planets with third dimensional life were protected or the beings were moved to other planets. Earth today is a Noah’s Ark of Life for 3700 planets. Meaning, Earth is well protected indeed. Paul LaViolette recognizes the Crab Nebula Nova as an artificial explosion. It is as if a huge nuclear shape charge blew it into a galaxy shape. There are other examples of artificial starbursts including the much photographed Hourglass Nebula. It is important for remote viewers who travel to distant stars to recognize everything, stars, planets and moons as living beings. Native shamans get better information because they see life everywhere. Those who search the stars considering them as dead matter find dead matter and many conundrums. Carl Sagan is mentioned in this book with respect to the plaque he helped designed for the Pioneer 10 spacecraft. Sagan uses pulsars to pin-point Earth’s location. In all likelihood Sagan had realized pulsars as ETI beacons thirty years ago. In his book and movie “Contact”, Sagan again recognizes there is a network of nodes for communications and travel between the stars in our galaxy. Another galactic core superwave might be coming but I do not fear it.
Gerald Zeitlin, Amazon Review (4 stars), Jan. 8, 2001 (of the 1st ed., Talk of the Galaxy)
Dr. Paul LaViolette makes an astonishing assertion: pulsars are not what we thought they were (spinning neutron stars) but are white dwarf stars fitted with synchrotron generators by an astro-engineering galactic society specifically to transmit information to us. Anyone can make astonishing assertions; we encounter them every day. But LaViolette supports his hypothesis with extensive research data published by established astronomers, and a broad understanding of physics, astrophysics, and relevant areas of engineering. It is not necessary to take LaViolette’s ideas on faith. Pulsars ARE strange and becoming more and more difficult for astronomers to understand, the more they learn about them. The facts about pulsar behavior and their spatial distribution that LaViolette has culled from the research literature cry out for a new interpretation. Anyone who has followed the field of SETI – the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – and grown weary of the endless decades of futile searching for that narrowly-defined needle in the haystack, will find in “The Talk of the Galaxy” an extremely exciting revelation.
Amazon Review (5 stars), May 9, 2001 (of the 1st edition, Talk of the Galaxy) Fascinating and extraordinary revelations
Amazing book. The author seems to have gone to lengths to meticulously and thoroughly research and detail the thesis he presents. There is an extensive volume of data printed here that makes it very difficult to refute his assertion. If what LaViolette is saying is true (and I believe there is every indication that it is), this news carries profound implications and should get the front-and-center attention of every astronomer, especially those involved in the search for extraterrestrial life.
Jana Gocmanova, Amazon Review (5 stars), December 11, 2013 (of 1st ed., Talk of the Galaxy) Galactic and remarkable!
Dr. Paul LaViolette is genius who needs to be listened to, appreciated and highly respected. He should be awarded Nobel Prize for his lifetime work and contribution to the understanding of the Universe. His discoveries are amazing and “galactic”. He has dedicated his life not only to the research but also the practical applications. He has started a non-profit organizationthe Starburst Foundation to inspire others. His message is clear. Warning about another global catastrophe and how to protect life on the Earth from an extinction. But only a few are listening! The mainstream scientific community has their heads stuck in a box. The book is written in a technical language but it is easily understood. I love his writing style, very clear and precise. Like Francis Bacon said: “some books need to be “chewed” very slowly.” LaViolette’s books belong to that category. They need to be studied and understood.
The Boogie Man, Amazon Review (5 stars), September 17, 2013
(of the 1st edition, Talk of the Galaxy) Don’t ignore this message from ET!
Pulsar astronomers have apparently ignored the extra- terrestrial hypothesis for too long. It would be a great shock to current scientific paradigms to have to acknowledge a galactic ET presence. Paul LaViolette reveals in this book the artificial and ordered message of pulsars. Pulsars produce focussed electro- magnetic beams which are aimed at Earth and it’s environs apparently for the benefit of the human race. The book seems to raise more questions than provide answers. Is this an overly geocentric viewpoint? Is our planet this important to the galactic community? The signals from the pulsars take thousands of years to reach Earth, LaViolette speculates that ET has anticipated our technological development, millennia in advance. I feel that it is more likely that ET is farming and controlling the human race, releasing certain bits and pieces of information, by creating sequences of aetheric messages for scientists and thinkers. The pulsar beacons may contain more of these ET messages, which have yet to be deciphered.There are many instances of ordering in nature, for example in the creation of DNA. It stands to reason that there are likely to be species in the galaxy who are technologically far in advance of humans. Are humans the creation of these superior reptilian beings? Are the pulsar beacons positioned to “put humanity in it’s place” and indicate the boundaries of our prison? La Violette devotes a considerable number of pages to the enigmatic Crab Nebula and it’s associated pulsar. LaViolette has studied this nebula in detail, he believes that the entire nebula is artificial and provides a three dimensional map of the “superwave” originating in the centre of the galaxy, which almost destroyed the Earth and gave rise to Noah’s flood. LaViolette suggests that there are many examples of intelligent design in the constellations, and that the constellations provide more information for humanity concerning these deadly cosmic ray emissions from the galaxy’s centre. The final two chapters of the book reveal some of LaViolette’s speculations regarding hidden technology, and possible ways in which a force field could be engineered to shield the solar system from the periodic superwaves.