Sphinx Stargate (left) Stargate from the movie (right)
The stargate portal idea seen in the movie Stargate and in its TV sequels may have been inspired from an author’s book manuscript. The stargate idea, of course, has been around for a long time in sci fi literature. However, the particular portrayal of a stargate that has constellations displayed around its perimeter that require ordering into a particular sequence to unlock their code may have been taken from Paul LaViolette’s unpublished book manuscript for his book Beyond the Big Bang which was published in 1995 and later reprinted in 2004 under the title Genesis of the Cosmos.
In 1992 Dr. LaViolette had given a freelance agent some sample chapters from book manuscript to be networked among Hollywood screen writers. Also at about the same time he had sent to the Screenwriter’s Guild in LA a screenplay he had written based on ideas in his book manuscript. It appears that ideas from both of these documents became incorporated into the Stargate movie. The complete story of what transpired and a comparison of the Stargate idea to the ideas in LaViolette’s writings is presented in the following essay –– Sphinx Stargate: The Historical Evolution of the Idea. The two stargate ideas are compared in the following essay as well — Stargate Comparison.
While the Stargate movie is science fiction, the zodiac cipher and its related Sphinx riddle are rooted in fact and are part of our archaeological heritage. a subject that is a main theme in LaViolette’s book Genesis of the Cosmos. Those who have not yet read this book, may like to try their luck at solving the riddle of the Sphinx and deciphering the zodiac cipher. This can be done at the following link: The Riddle of the Sphinx.
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