Start over
- Arcanum 0, The Fool, The Materialist
- Arcanum 1, The Magician
- Arcanum 2, The High Priestess, Veiled Isis
- Arcanum 3, The Empress, Isis Unveiled
- Arcanum 4, The Emperor, The Sovereign
- Arcanum 5, The Pope, The Hierophant
- Arcanum 6, The Lovers
- Arcanum 7, The Chariot, The Conqueror
- Arcanum 8, Justice, The Balance
- Arcanum 9, The Hermit, The Sage
- Arcanum 10, The Wheel of Fortune
The first 11 Tarot Arcana
Select an Arcanum to see its properties
Reorder the astrological signs
and decode the zodiac cipher.
Hint Number 1: How the sphinx serves as a key to the zodiac cryptogram.
Hint Number 2: Which zodiac constellation sign should be used as a starting point.
The Tarot menu (left) correctly sequences the universal principles that describe the creation of physical form. Using this as a "genetic code" guide, resequence the zodiac signs by determining which of these universal principles is best expressed by each sign. Then sequentially select the corresponding zodiac signs to register your choice. You will get feedback on your selection after having entered four choices.
If you decipher the Riddle successfuly, you will receive as a gift a free copy of Paul LaViolette's 41 page systems theory analysis document wich explains the riddle and uncovers the ancient knowledge hidden inside the zodiac.
If you don't want to decipher the Riddle by yourself you can always buy and download Paul LaViolette's 41 page systems theory analysis document which contains the Riddle's solution.