Arcanum 0, The Fool, The Materialist
Attributes: Overly materialistic, one who is slave to desire and blinded by self-interest, failure, folly
Universal Principle: Decay, dissipation, the isolated
Arcanum 1, The Magician
Attributes: The Prime Mover, the creative force, the unity principle, singleness, aspiration, will, the action principle, initiative, beginning, potential, impulsiveness, the masculine quality
Universal Principle: Irreversible process, the
open system
Arcanum 2, The High Priestess, Veiled Isis
Attributes: Duality, polarity, form, receptivity, passivity, perception, discrimination, knowledge, insight, intuition, occult science, the feminine quality
Universal Principle: Duality, differentiation
Arcanum 3, The Empress, Isis Unveiled
Attributes: The active union of male and female principles, union of polar opposites, marriage, partnership, fecundity, gestation, generation
Universal Principle: Coupling, supercriticality
Arcanum 4, The Emperor, The Sovereign
Attributes: Realization, result, solution, triumph over obstacles, confidence, authority, abundant creative energy, knowledge gained through experience, the setting of things in order
Universal Principle: Critical mass, the critical
Arcanum 5, The Pope, The Hierophant
Attributes: Religion, the universal law, the regulator of the infinite manifestations of being, the preserver of the status quo, the keeper of peace, fortunate influences
Universal Principle: The homogeneous steady state
Arcanum 6, The Lovers
Attributes: A time to decide among opposing alternatives, temptation
Universal Principle: Bifurcation, the critical
Arcanum 7, The Chariot, The Conqueror
Attributes: Victory, conquest, attainment, success earned by hard work or active effort
Universal Principle: Exponential growth, spontaneous
Arcanum 8, Justice, The Balance
Attributes: Justice, equilibrium, balance, every action brings forth a reaction
Universal Principle: The limits to growth, counterbalance
Arcanum 9, The Hermit, The Sage
Attributes: Wisdom, prudence, discretion in all things, perfection of form, circumspection, protection, experience gained in the journey of life
Universal Principle: Adaptive self-stabilization,
Arcanum 10, The Wheel of Fortune
Attributes: Change of Fortune, the inevitable cycles of nature, the completion of one cycle and the beginning of the next
Universal Principle: The periodic state